┢┦ow to study english?_300字
分類:一年級作文 字數:300字 編輯:小景
┢┦ow to study english? 標籤:study作文 english作文 students作文 shopping作文
In my class,many students say English is boring and difficult.But I
don’t think so. Ehglish is a useful langeage. It’s very important!
Now,let me tell you how to study English!
First of all , you should listen to the teacher carefuly.And you have
to listen to English in the morning. Read aloud is important , too. Then
practice again and again, never be tired.If you have a problem,you must
make it clear by asking your English teacher.
But it’s not enough just to have confidence,determination and
perseverance in language learning。We’ll have to find out an effective
way to make ourselves an efficient learner of the English language。But
before doing that, we should have a clear idea about the following two
I’m sure you can study English well!
┢┦ow to study english? 作文推薦:

- ·talkshow200字
- ·do you know much350字
- ·windflowers200字
- ·my hometown150字
- ·how i learn engl150字
- ·howdoyoukeepheal200字
- ·grow together100字
- ·howtofindhappine100字
- ·howtokeephealthy300字
- ·my hometown800字
- ·theweatherinmyho100字
- ·我型我show700字
- ·三年級英語作文:howtobru100字
- ·study hard and 100字
- ·how to learn eng150字
- ·mr.raindow350字
- ·四年級英語作文:mystudy300字
- ·growup/2609字
- ·my english teach400字
- ·初一英語作文:howtobest100字
- ·halloween100字
- ·howwatercycle100字
- ·snow100字
- ·how are you?543字
- ·給english teacher800字
- ·ourenglishteache100字
- ·way to learn eng250字
- ·howcanidoit?618字
- ·小學英語日記:learn how50字
- ·how to learn eng450字
- ·去文化館學英語300字
- ·快樂學英語200字
- ·wordstolife900字
- ·ifihadmylifetoli600字
- ·thefourseasons100字
- ·seasons300字
- ·seasons100字
- ·seasons100字
- ·我知錯了600字
- ·為什麼不難的題做錯了500字
- ·課本劇表演500字
- ·有趣的《西遊記》350字
- ·新《西遊記》800字
- ·西遊新傳100字
- ·西遊新傳400字
- ·花淚作文 震撼人心作文
- ·《醜小鴨》讀後感作文 辦黑板報作文
- ·薔薇花開作文 最喜歡的一位老師作文
- ·遊園記作文 愛心飛揚作文
- ·洗臉作文 水竹作文
- ·搞笑大王作文
- ·團結就是勝利作文
- ·家鄉的變化作文300字
- ·深海作文
- ·生命的追求作文
- ·《熱愛生命》讀後感
- ·最好的朋友作文400字 城市作文700字
- ·黑暗中的光作文 陽光里作文
- ·一件事作文350字 並不是作文800字
- ·蘋果樹作文500字 書迷作文800字
- ·璀璨作文400字 你不懂我作文700字
- ·鄰里作文600字