分類:高二作文 字數:450字 編輯:pp958
dusk 標籤:introduce作文 busy作文 abusyweek作文 abusyday作文
Some people love morning, because of its freshness. Some people love evening, because of its quietness. But I love dusk, for its beauty, its dimness……
When it is dusk, there is a big, red sun hanging in the sky. At this time, if you are in the open air, singing on the grassland and looking at the sunset, it can let you have many lovely fancies. Now the sun is behind a willow tree, and the wind is blowing gently, the tree’s beautiful long hair is swaying and you will see the sun shining behind the tree. Won’t you love this sight? Won’t you want to take a photo of it?
On all sides, there is a lot of green grass, many trees and many colorful flowers. They are all nature’s children. A running stream passes through the village. It sounds like a great piece of music. It is no wonder that it’s a really fairyland!
The wind is blowing, bringing a light scent. Now the village becomes quiet, the smoke from the villager’s chimneys drifts towards the sky, getting thinner and thinner until it disappears at last. Some people begin to cook and those in the fields begin to head for home. With the sound of parents calling their children home for supper, all this forms another lovely picture which I call “A village at dusk”。
Now, the sun disappears in the western sky. There remind only a few, red clouds that float upon the horizon .The sight becomes dimmer and dimmer……
dusk 作文推薦:
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