help ex-cons start_500字
分類:高三作文 字數:500字 編輯:pp958
help ex-cons start 標籤:hello作文 thestars作文 seasons作文 聖誕party作文
Help Ex-cons①Start New Life
I once read a story about a person who was put into prison for his bad behavior. After serving his time in prison, he returned home.“How can you have the face to come home, go away!”his angry father shouted at him. Two months later, he was put into prison again for stealing.
I also read a story about a different person in the same situation, but when he returned to his village, no one looked down upon him, and people helped him find a job to make a living. Five years later, he became a millionaire②and contributed to the building of a school in his hometown.
Different attitudes produce different results.
Generally speaking, after reeducation③ most people have learnt their lessons and find a legal④ way to support themselves through honest labour. When returning to society, only a few returned to their old ways. But even though the number of the ex-felons⑤ who return to a life of crime is below 8 per cent, we should understand that these repeated offences are much worse than first
The task of guiding these people is a job that belongs not only to the persons themselves and their families, but is a task the whole society should confront⑥.
①ex-con[eks 'k&n] n.以前的罪犯;有前科者
②millionaire[?milj+'n#+] n.百萬富翁
③reeducation['ri:edju(:)'keiM+n] n.再教育
④legal['li:g+l] adj.法律(上)的
⑤ex-felon[eks-'fel+n] n.重罪人,重罪犯
⑥ confront[k+n'fr)nt] v.(使)面對,(使)面臨
本文是一篇對比型說明文,即對照兩個人或事物的不同點。文章採用綜合法(all-about pattern)開門見山地對所討論的問題作了對比:第一段寫對有前科者的不正確態度;第二段寫對這類人員的正確態度,經緯分明。第三、四段是作者做出的總結和結論。第五段寫作者的建議。
help ex-cons start 作文推薦:

- ·helping150字
- ·helpoldpeopleisc300字
- ·help ex-cons sta500字
- ·doyouneedmyhelp?600字
- ·reading news eve200字
- ·四年級英語作文:我要幫助奶奶(i100字
- ·初二英語作文:aletterfo600字
- ·helpforthefuture200字
- ·help(1)鮮紅色的披風(上)1800字
- ·how should paren250字
- ·exercising help 100字
- ·we are helpful200字
- ·canyouhelpme?308字
- ·help peter learn250字
- ·helping those pe200字
- ·help oters100字
- ·we helped a boy50字
- ·空瓶氧氣450字
- ·六四班的追星族讀後感800字
- ·我想變成150字
- ·左邊的左邊250字
- ·左邊1000字
- ·我看祖國60年400字
- ·真空下的加速度600字
- ·夢也可以這樣解釋1600字
- ·沉默不是錯,我不想解釋300字
- ·那次,我流淚了600字
- ·香樟樹的寂寞1100字
- ·第二次會見網友1300字
- ·菩提樹下400字
- ·樹之死800字
- ·那個老人,那個樓蘭800字
- ·我喜歡的花作文 姥姥作文
- ·家鄉的橋作文 愛流動在我們身邊作文
- ·如果還有明天作文 美在路上作文
- ·風采作文 螞蟻報恩作文
- ·關愛作文 那首作文
- ·森林報作文
- ·幸福的距離作文
- ·我心中的榜樣作文
- ·媽媽我想對您說作文400字
- ·游湘湖作文
- ·感恩父母演講稿
- ·心中作文100字 九寨溝作文800字
- ·漸遠作文900字 掃除作文150字
- ·校園的春作文300字 對聯作文400字
- ·無限作文500字 真心作文600字
- ·讀《童年》作文400字 詛咒作文900字
- ·悲傷作文300字