分類:二年級作文 字數:600字 編輯:小景
doyouneedmyhelp? 標籤:thedog作文 inmyhouse作文 myhouse作文 oneday作文
In China we always think it is good to help the old people, but it is not always true in western countries.
Everyone wishes to be young forever though it is impossible. If someday there is somebody offering you help because he or she regards you as an old person or thinks maybe you are not strong enough to do something, you may feel unhappy. So be careful! Next time when you meet an old foreigner and want to help him (or her), you should offer your help in a very polite way.
At school, some of us also make the same mis-takes. When the teacher asks others questions, we help them before they ask us for help. I think it is wrong at least in two ways. First you take away the chance for others to practice; and second you are showing that you are better than others though maybe you do not mean it in that way. So you should learn how to be polite to others before you act.
Good. You have made great progress in developing a passage. I am glad to see the sentence conherence in your last para. Better pay more attention to the relationship between sentences. It”s really wonderful to start your sentences with adverbials.
doyouneedmyhelp? 作文推薦:

- ·doyouneedmyhelp?600字
- ·helping those pe200字
- ·letmeknowthatyou700字
- ·justwhenineededy1800字
- ·weneedfreedom200字
- ·we helped a boy50字
- ·howdoyoukeepheal200字
- ·cutelittledoudou600字
- ·thedogsavedman100字
- ·whyyoudon`tunder1000字
- ·canyouhelpme?308字
- ·doyoulikeenglish200字
- ·whatdoyouthinkof400字
- ·young student sh350字
- ·初三英語作文:doweneeds300字
- ·tonight,ifeelclo1200字
- ·myfatheroutdoors100字
- ·youngvolunteers400字
- ·doyouknowwhenbas500字
- ·doyoufearthewind200字
- ·doyoulikepeaches100字
- ·the feel of visi250字
- ·thisismypet!doyo200字
- ·the problem of t200字
- ·the high technol200字
- ·don”tcountyourch300字
- ·thedogandtheshad50字
- ·whatshouldwedoto100字
- ·whatshouldwedoto100字
- ·introducemyselft200字
- ·魔法女孩(一)300字
- ·我的家鄉400字
- ·my younger siste250字
- ·春天來了300字
- ·靈活又獃獃的“小胖子”300字
- ·爸爸“犯規”200字
- ·做早飯300字
- ·看直播350字
- ·贈送300字
- ·梅嶺之行600字
- ·我的家200字
- ·釣魚200字
- ·蝴蝶魚的願望350字
- ·我200字
- ·一場誤會500字
- ·幫老師作文 特殊的春天作文
- ·中秋節賞月作文 成長的路作文
- ·看菊花作文 校園日記作文
- ·做包子作文 秋節作文
- ·失敗也是一首歌作文 初三的我們作文
- ·小蠟燭作文
- ·致台灣作文
- ·秦兵馬俑導遊詞
- ·助人為樂作文
- ·小太陽作文
- ·春天的森林作文
- ·試卷分析作文 對聯作文400字
- ·那年秋天作文 沉浮作文500字
- ·一首歌作文900字 給父母作文
- ·心靈作文350字 我怕誰作文500字
- ·世界盃作文700字 和你在一起作文800字
- ·貓狗大戰作文