online shopping_250字
分類:高三作文 字數:250字 編輯:得得9
online shopping 標籤:shopping作文 english作文 happiness作文 hope作文
Now,online shopping have become a fashion.To this online shopping,it has many advantages.but it also has many disadvantages.
Many advantages: online shopping is very convenient to everyone.people can save a lot of time to do other thing and not necessary to waste a lot of time to go shopping at market.
Many disadvantages: we buy some things at online, but we buy things have many quality very bad and have many things is useless. so online shopping is vety not good.
To this online shopping question. I also have many suggests. I think we should cautious to buy a lot of things. To we buy some things and we should watch some estimates if have mang good estimates and less bad estimates. we can buy this thing. Only in this way, we can buy many useful things.
online shopping 作文推薦:

- ·我的夢,中國夢900字
- ·麗旭800字
- ·牧羊人1100字
- ·歌為牧羊人50字
- ·聆聽月光700字
- ·每天都是特別的日子500字
- ·有趣的肥皂泡500字
- ·山水情400字
- ·我的快樂夢想1000字
- ·望星空400字
- ·讓知識改變命運600字
- ·欲速則不達600字
- ·感謝好心人800字
- ·柔柔弱弱1000字
- ·問路800字
- ·曬太陽作文 奔跑作文
- ·不聽勸告的小山羊作文 尊老愛幼作文
- ·天安門作文 不能作文
- ·貓和狗的故事作文 烏龜冬眠作文
- ·優秀作文 第一次勞動作文
- ·夜半作文
- ·一件有趣的事作文200字
- ·我很快樂作文500字
- ·長大后的我作文
- ·喜歡下雨作文
- ·獨語作文
- ·名人作文400字 街頭作文
- ·生活的美麗作文700字 動員作文400字
- ·最後一個作文800字 開頭作文
- ·花季作文500字 學畫畫作文500字
- ·十五歲作文 花池作文200字
- ·調皮的小弟作文