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why didn't the mosquito was raindrops hit to death?_350字

分類:高三作文  字數:350字  編輯:小景

  Walking in the rain for people, may be a romantic and comfortable, but for volume tiny insects, such as mosquitoes, walking in the rain was a disaster. The weight of a drop of rain can be up to 50 times as many mosquitoes weight, people called the drizzle in the mosquito's view, as a concrete beetle cars from the sky. However, in the rain "beetle", mosquito can unscathed, what reason is this?

  For solving this puzzle, the Georgia institute of technology professor David hu in collaboration with the United States centers for disease control and prevention, high-speed video of dancing in the rain of the mosquito, to observe the behavior of the mosquito is raindrops hit the moment.

  Through video, professor David hu and his team analyzed the situations from different parts of the raindrops hit the mosquito, calculate the mosquito by the raindrops hit the moment of force, and then moving down with rain and distance. They found that the mosquito is not to avoid the rain, as one might speculate also won't injured by by the impact of raindrops, one of the secret lies in the mosquito light weight.

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