the way to success_200字
分類:高三作文 字數:200字 編輯:小景
the way to success 標籤:succe作文 introduce作文 thestars作文 theseason作文
there has long been an old saying that there is no such thing as a great talent without great will power,which idencates an essential way to success.I“m totally approve of this point ,The following are my reasons
First of all ,everyone wishes to succeed,but not all succeed in the end.the reason is that only a few people have a strong will.If Thomas Edison does not have a strong will ,he won“t tried hundreds of materials before he succeed. then he was just a common man .what“s more,no matter who you are ,you are bond to form three quantities ,patience,carefulness,and consentration in the road of success,It“s hard to form them without a strong will .last but not the least.bearing what others cann“t bear is challenging .And a great will can help you a lot.
In a word,although it“s never easy to succeed ,doing efforts with a strong will ,and you will be the one.
the way to success 作文推薦:

- ·myfother100字
- ·myfather300字
- ·my father50字
- ·therainyday500字
- ·theclevercrow200字
- ·cherishthetime200字
- ·the internet eff250字
- ·my mother150字
- ·rememberthetraff100字
- ·the way too far500字
- ·the war1300字
- ·what should we d250字
- ·theeconomyusewat1100字
- ·my mother150字
- ·我的mother700字
- ·dream of the jou400字
- ·mybrother100字
- ·紅色世界theredworld700字
- ·the great wall o200字
- ·nine`s clothes s200字
- ·saythankyoutomot400字
- ·thekevinfamily200字
- ·dream of the jou700字
- ·trip to the park500字
- ·the weather in m250字
- ·初三英語作文:thewaytok100字
- ·英語作文 人與動物(the ma200字
- ·flytothesky100字
- ·the snow350字
- ·the person i don100字
- ·校園的微笑1000字
- ·詩一首100字
- ·田400字
- ·你450字
- ·萬花筒·懂450字
- ·夢500字
- ·班裡的攝像頭600字
- ·明天值得期待嗎350字
- ·時光·靜好350字
- ·日日記400字
- ·熟悉的溫暖500字
- ·雨中人450字
- ·幻龍傳600字
- ·千層底布鞋600字
- ·論工匠精神450字
- ·busy作文 喜歡夏季作文
- ·中國足球作文 商人作文
- ·龜兔賽跑續集作文 咫尺天涯作文
- ·打檯球作文 野花作文
- ·5.12汶川大地震作文 神奇的圓作文
- ·無味作文
- ·陽光地帶作文
- ·孩子星球作文
- ·我的暑假生活作文300字
- ·一隻蝸牛作文
- ·海軍作文
- ·課間作文450字 愛吹牛作文
- ·我最喜愛的一位老師作文 想象作文350字
- ·身在福中作文 讀書的樂趣作文800字
- ·城牆作文800字 這是什麼作文
- ·我的中學生活作文 令人難忘的一件事作文
- ·發現了螞蟻作文