分類:高三作文 字數:200字 編輯:小景
summer 標籤:summer作文 remember作文 autumn作文 succe作文
Summer is a season in which the weather is hottest in a year.
Although it is hotter than usual,people don“t decrease activities in their lives.Because of the hot weather,people think of many ways to get themselves cool.At daytime almost people love to swim in a sea or a pool,that“s why they are fond of the summer though it is very hot.Furthermore,summer has its special points that we love.At daytime the weather is very hot while so cool at night that we usually enjoy staying outside and gossipping .Sometimes the sky at night is more than beautiful full of bright stars and we are great addictted at the scene.Although summer is a hot season ,we also love it.
Sometimes we are tired of its hot weather,but the fact is that summer plays a important role in our lives.
summer 作文推薦:

- ·summer200字
- ·summerholiday200字
- ·aboutsummer100字
- ·myhappysummerhol100字
- ·my summer vacati250字
- ·夏日感覺——送給所有lovesu200字
- ·summervacation400字
- ·初二英語作文:summerhol200字
- ·insummerhoilday100字
- ·summerholiday500字
- ·ilikesummer.100字
- ·theboringsummerh100字
- ·初一英語作文:summervac200字
- ·my summer vacati250字
- ·初二英語作文:summercam200字
- ·the summer ho100字
- ·thissummer300字
- ·summerholiday300字
- ·高三英語作文:asummerca500字
- ·mysummerholiday200字
- ·talk about my su200字
- ·mysummerholiday250字
- ·rushtothedeadsum900字
- ·ilikesummerholid100字
- ·summerholiday100字
- ·暑假英語作文:during su100字
- ·暑假summervacation100字
- ·summerholiday200字
- ·summerholiday200字
- ·summerholiday300字
- ·一夜無夢250字
- ·範文:生活中的減法1200字
- ·回憶500字
- ·生活不止眼前的苟且900字
- ·破敗300字
- ·路,隨想200字
- ·夢300字
- ·故鄉的小河300字
- ·萬花筒·你好,追夢人350字
- ·子欲養而親不待900字
- ·凡事有其弊,必有其利700字
- ·遊戲之害700字
- ·左撇子,讓我喜讓我憂1400字
- ·感君勸學200字
- ·高與低1300字
- ·大哥作文 迷人的夏天作文
- ·瑞雪兆豐年作文 大樟樹作文
- ·我哥作文 我的天地作文
- ·我愛西瓜作文 醉夢作文
- ·成功秘訣作文 地震中的感動作文
- ·在沒有大人的世界作文
- ·烤肉作文
- ·教師贊作文
- ·想象中的作文
- ·游峨眉山作文
- ·馬鈴薯作文
- ·成長中作文500字 痛苦作文900字
- ·散文作文 品讀作文900字
- ·談理想作文 傷了作文600字
- ·點點作文450字 我和我爸作文
- ·原來作文400字 追逐夢想作文600字
- ·衝出亞馬遜作文600字