the attitude to difficulties_300字
分類:高三作文 字數:300字 編輯:得得9
the attitude to difficulties 標籤:thestars作文 theseason作文 students作文 study作文
Scorates once said adversity and suffering is the highest institution life is not always roses all the way. setbacka may come up at any time .so it's of great importance to have a correct attitude to face them.
It's true that the adversity may make people lose heart,feel depressed, and even lose confidence to achieve the goal ,But on the other hand ,it can also make you to be stronger. There's no doubt that a lot of great people are growing up in the adversity ,Beetheven lost his hesring but he still created a piece of great tunes.Hawking cann't move his whole body except two years and three fingers but his study to spacce has great impact on mrdern physics.Whether you can defeat the setbacks depends on whether you have a strong faith.
All in all, when in adversity,what you do is to make full of your abilityand clear away your difficulities .After that ,you'll find life isn't so hard as you imagine.
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