the way to seccess_200字
分類:高三作文 字數:200字 編輯:pp958
the way to seccess 標籤:theseason作文 succe作文 thestars作文 happiness作文
Everybody wishes to be seccessful,but not everyone arrive success.just as the saying goes"".cosequently,there are several quantities we require to succed.
Firstly,a strong will is necessary ,without it we would givve up when we were faced with barries coming up in our lives.obviously,a strong will is a requirement which equiped us with perseverance. Secondly ,hardworking can not be overlooked as another quantity.all great man to be successful is hardworking.none of them can deny it.from this we can see that hardworking is a foundation of success.
All in all, only we have two quantities mentioned above ,can we succeed.
the way to seccess 作文推薦:
the way to seccess 暫無評論相關作文
- ·let the great wa1500字
- ·iwouldliketoflyi200字
- ·dream of the jou500字
- ·thebirthdayparty100字
- ·thebamboo200字
- ·thecolorsofthera1100字
- ·atthegame200字
- ·dream of the jou400字
- ·dream of the jou1000字
- ·絕世好mather1200字
- ·mylovelyfather100字
- ·mygrandfather100字
- ·protect the en350字
- ·關於夢想;我要投thenext的1400字
- ·dream of the jou1000字
- ·thefunpicture200字
- ·初三英語作文:abouttheu300字
- ·mymother100字
- ·thelittlehorse700字
- ·saythankyoutomot400字
- ·mymother100字
- ·how to correct 400字
- ·our great mother150字
- ·my father《我的爸爸》500字
- ·the internet eff250字
- ·thevoicewithin(心500字
- ·the world is 100字
- ·dream of the jou600字
- ·thestars100字
- ·thoughts of the 400字
- ·就這樣350字
- ·大音希聲700字
- ·論完人600字
- ·夢、再繼續900字
- ·流域星辰——《末月留影》3000字
- ·隨筆150字
- ·我幫弟弟改毛病1300字
- ·畢業照300字
- ·戲說人生600字
- ·期待下一次同學聚會350字
- ·弒魂之心200字
- ·享受一室陽光400字
- ·萬花筒`幾米350字
- ·隨感400字
- ·一個人和他的命運1000字
- ·在雙休日里作文 神話故事作文
- ·時光機作文 蘋果里的五角星作文
- ·鬼故事作文 成長的天空作文
- ·中華上下五千年作文 原來是這樣作文
- ·長興作文 小布頭作文
- ·買菜作文
- ·《窗邊的小豆豆》讀後感
- ·暑假計劃作文
- ·壯麗作文
- ·熊貓遇險記作文
- ·西湖遊記作文
- ·狐假虎威作文350字 給自己作文
- ·家務作文450字 心中的校園作文400字
- ·貓貓作文700字 結尾作文
- ·戰勝作文700字 蘑菇作文600字
- ·就是我作文600字 走過四季作文600字
- ·你別哭作文