分類:六年級作文 字數:300字 編輯:得得9
roomsinmyhouse 標籤:inmyhouse作文 myhouse作文 rooms作文 myroom作文
Rooms in my house
Hi, my is HuYANG, I live in Chain, my city is LinZe. I like my city, my is house is good, I like it.
My house has a bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and living room. The bathroom has a shower, a sink, a toilet and a bathtub. The kitchen has a sink, a refrigerator, a chair, a stove and a table. My Mather cooking supper on the stove. Cabbage, onions in the refrigerator, is cold inside. Bedroom has bed, closet, dresses, door, window, lamp, picture, chair and desk. I like my bedroom that is clean living room. Have TV, couch, chair, and table and picture, lamp. I write a letter in the corner.
Winter is cold, but my house is warm
I like my family, I like bedroom.
My friend in my family. There is very loud, I like my friend, I like my family too. I like my family is very big, I like my mother and father too. My father is very big; I like it and my grandmother.
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