分類:六年級作文 字數:300字 編輯:小景
roomsinmyhouse 標籤:inmyhouse作文 myhouse作文 rooms作文 myroom作文
Rooms in my house
Hers is my house ,I will show you the rooms in my house !
This is the living room.there is a TV.a clock, a table,a couch ,some flowers,two chairs and a door in the living room look!my father is watching TV on a couch ,He is very happy.
This is the kitchen.there is a refrigrator,a stove,a sink,a table and a window in the kitchen.look!these are carrots. the carrots are in the sink.these are onions.the onions are on the stove. here is a bottle of milk the milk is in the refrigerator.these are dishes. the dishes are on the table.
Here is the bathroom .there is a sink,a bathtub,a shower, a toilet in the bathroom.look!mum is washing hre hands in the sink.Now her hands are clean and dry.
These are bedrooms.there is a bed,a lamp,a closet,a dresser,a door,a window,a computer, a big toll and a chair in my bedroom. I like it very much !
My house is very nice .I love my house!
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