分類:四年級作文 字數:600字 編輯:pp958
grandmotherandgrandma 標籤:mymother作文 mother作文 my mother作文 mybrother作文
I have a grandmother and grandma。Buy they are very different。Grandmather is the best in the world,but grandma can”t her grandma。
My grandmather is a kind and hard-working man。She is from when I was born to take care of me。So good to me 。When I was seven,I accidentally broke her most cherished a small porcelain vase。Allegedly it”s grandma grandmather to the small porcelain vase。Visible,it is very important。But my grandmother did not scold me,not to mention beating me。My grandmother is very good to me!
My grandma is a affectation and lazy people。Every day is pretend poor。When I was young 。mom and dad took me to her house to play。Because I didn”t eat lunch,so she can only cook。My cousin also didn”t eat lunch。My grandma gave him a big lunch,but she gave me a bowl did not put anything in the noodles。My grandma is very poor to me!
This is my grandmother and grandma。
grandmotherandgrandma 作文推薦:

- ·grandmotherandgr600字
- ·thisismygrandmot100字
- ·my grandmother500字
- ·mygrandmother100字
- ·i miss you, my g100字
- ·my grandmother250字
- ·my grandmother200字
- ·whether grandpar200字
- ·motherlyandfathe600字
- ·themotherlandabe1000字
- ·theearth——ourmot1000字
- ·mymother,father100字
- ·the moth and the1200字
- ·ifatherandmather100字
- ·our great mother150字
- ·mygrandamandgran100字
- ·themotheryouhard100字
- ·mymother=sister+700字
- ·thethreebrotherg1600字
- ·goodmorning,ladi300字
- ·mother”sheart300字
- ·look at the clou350字
- ·mymother”sbirthd100字
- ·高二英語作文:mother’sb400字
- ·saythankyoutomot400字
- ·thanksgivingmoth100字
- ·happy birthday 250字
- ·alettertomymothe300字
- ·anothertermofyr300字
- ·the person i adm200字
- ·我和她500字
- ·水痘啊,想說愛你不容易600字
- ·做命運的主宰800字
- ·假如我是時間的主宰者300字
- ·說不出口的話500字
- ·抗旱100字
- ·待客之道300字
- ·我既愛又很的兩日軍訓1300字
- ·讀悲慘世界有感200字
- ·讀《悲慘世界》有感600字
- ·睡午覺450字
- ·愉快的課間遊戲——董昊200字
- ·可愛的小寶350字
- ·難忘的“軍訓”400字
- ·戀軍訓400字
- ·團結力量大作文 常青樹作文
- ·一顆善良的心作文 工資作文
- ·荷園作文 如果我有魔法作文
- ·我喜歡這樣的老師作文 二十一世紀作文
- ·海底城市作文 新能源作文
- ·大山作文
- ·鋼琴曲作文
- ·美好的童年作文600字
- ·是對還是錯作文
- ·中國紅作文
- ·白開水作文
- ·烏龜作文400字 寧靜作文300字
- ·勤勞作文400字 韓信作文
- ·愛看書的孩子作文 做有道德的人作文1000字
- ·我想變成作文300字 伴侶作文600字
- ·記住作文900字 無極作文1000字
- ·我的青春我做主作文400字