分類:四年級作文 字數:1900字 編輯:pp958
In the morning, a singing, I was awakened from the dream. Gentle massage of sleep deprived, arose on the bed, the aftertaste is just passing carefully dreams...
A row of red clay in front of the classroom is a row of neatly bike. Large and small, The new and the old, Round and round in put on. Just spit stuck appered of new apple flowers blossoming into full. A string of small plait a little girl in the classroom nervous busy test... Have had several times that dream. In the dream of my Alma mater, often to MaLan middle school.
The memory Alma mater is very beautiful. Two broad YongLu cement is among many bright classroom. On the east YongLu planting full growth years . The branches of refute the impressions left years. Every spring, these tall poplar is a bit pink green small leaves. They”re like a baby just about every campus of children, In the summer, they broad leaf exuberent huddled together. The heat of the sun will block the leaves. Form a cool avenue. Often in twos and threes classmates sitting or standing, or pursuant to or in reading under the tree, the research topic, frolic. Here is my paradise. When the bell rang, I rushed out of the classroom, with some students grasp the rubber band of flying to the mall, TiaoPiJin barefoot. Tired, and ran into the pool under the tree, unscrew bibcock, let the water pouring from ten rooms kept.
On the west side of the YongLu pseudoacacia is grafting. Each flower, blossom into a DuLu DuLu a pagoda of the powdery purple. Clusters of blooming thorny branches pagoda will have very low pressure. Light floral often lead to move, "and" the bees buzzing sing and unknown number of little worm. Dance around the beautiful flowers. Sometimes, I and several naughty students use convenient bag chasing caught a bug, to frighten other classmates. See, they fear the troubled himself did grimace, happy laughter.
Each row behind the classroom is dropping the apple tree flourishing. In the spring, they closely with flowers on the branches. In the summer, autumn is hanging scoparone ripe to apple. Now this season, to the window, I always love push the door of wooden paint green. Looking out of the window MiMi branches in between those rowdy sparrows. Hidden in the summer at the packing leaves. Autumn catch of praying mantis. Remember that zhang wei”s classmates, fat in the summer break, would shoes, barefoot lie on your back on the two desks in bed. I mentioned his smelly shoes, hang on the branch window platform. The barefoot, he listens to English teacher speak 2 class... Dribs and drabs, give nervous learning life a lot of bardic fun.
Memory has many moral quality Alma mater of teachers. At that time, I”ve looking forward to Friday”s composition. Because every time almost, remained, * * * teacher always will I and several classmates composition as van in class, in interpretation. He is a meticulous, observe carefully, describe lifelike, wonderful!" Critics will I racially-tinged comments as roads and literary creation is one. Remember the chemistry teacher humorous, Remember the serious mathematics teacher, Remember the light speech light language teachers of English, We begin with experiment in the physics teacher. Education is in their hard, my classmates and ran to their jobs in Beijing foton: some auto company engineer, Some in jinan airlines as accounting supervisor, Some in Qingdao as a lawyer, some in yantai railway on... We like different flowers, opened in different places, their aroma.
Now the Alma mater certainly changed! No longer is the old memories I like... Thank Alma mater. Thanks to all the teacher. "Alma mater. Sincerely wish in the new curriculum reform Alma mater spring breeze, the optimization classroom instruction, cultivate more pillar of society! Beautiful campus, my home
Dear teachers, the judge: hello! I am student of 0202 from XXX. Today I had to lecture on the topic of "beautiful campus of my house. Everyone”s heart has a "shangrila", as the song sung in that "it is my home, my heaven!" While this house is in my mind, jiangsu haimen experimental school. Whether the fog shrouded, or darkness, I always love to go everywhere campus, see, not for other, only to realize that peculiar vigor, just to enjoy flower allfresh flowers on the colorful full-dress, just to look at the stars of those close beside the romance and warmth. I love campus in flowers. But my favorite is permeated with a kind of campus spirit, which is struggling, fearless, strong and struggle. When we entered the passionate heart will be reminded of campus, premier zhou said that sentence: "for the rise of reading"! The nine words in mind brightened. As time passes, have become the most fashionable home language. The pairs of eyes tell people thirst for knowledge, there is no royal road to learning. Each letter, a formula of the night, like the phosphor, guide us to dig deep knowledge and wisdom of the treasure opens doors. Facts speak louder than words. A man sows, so he shall reap. We are reading all night, my dissertation, to win another one another, a diploma. It originates from the teachers and classmates of the persuasive voice than to learn drive to help. Astimegoesby unnoticeably, sun passed quickly, with YingGeYanWu, with trees and plants in this everywhere are so beautiful. We learned to endure, the strong. Our children from a young gradually grew to try to explore the life philosophy. This is the essence of growth, is the largest campus life to our wealth. The bright lights, station into skeletons, the shape of the attacks in the night, like the sacred gestates hopes the home tomorrow. Quiet and peaceful, sweet, comfortable. I want to say: "today, because of you we proud tomorrow you will proud because we love you! We this beautiful house, this beautiful shangri-la!"
我的家英語作文 作文推薦:

- ·我的家英語作文1900字
- ·我的冤家英語600字
- ·高一英語作文:讀書的好處的英語作450字
- ·初中英語作文關於火的英語作文200字
- ·關於防火的英語作文六年級英語作文100字
- ·高一英語作文:寫英語日記的好處200字
- ·暑假英語日記英語作文300字
- ·教師節英語作文:我們的英語老師200字
- ·高中英語作文:學習英語經驗1000字
- ·初一英語作文:英語的重要性100字
- ·學習英語經歷(英語作文)700字
- ·小學英語作文:myfamily(200字
- ·小學英語作文:我的家庭my fa200字
- ·我的家庭英語作文100字
- ·我的家庭(英語作文)100字
- ·我的家庭,英語作文100字
- ·高一英語作文:我們可愛的家 ou450字
- ·高中英語作文:中國的家庭生活350字
- ·初中英語作文 我夢想的家 my 250字
- ·初二英語作文:營建和睦的家庭350字
- ·四年級作文:世界盃英語作文100字
- ·六一兒童節英語作文大全史上最全的200字
- ·寒假英語作文:關於春節的作文-春200字
- ·高中英語作文:我愛你們,我的父母300字
- ·小學生六一兒童節英語作文:我的六1600字
- ·我的暑假計劃英語作文250字
- ·初二英語作文:我的童年200字
- ·四年級英語作文:myteache400字
- ·初三英語作文:我的媽媽1300字
- ·描寫媽媽的英語作文我的媽媽200字
- ·我的家庭(英語作文)100字
- ·我愛英語300字
- ·沒考好的英語600字
- ·給聶(英語)老師的一封信600字
- ·高一英語作文:wonderful400字
- ·高一英語作文:mylittlec300字
- ·初一英語作文:myhappies100字
- ·初一英語作文:howtobest100字
- ·初一下冊英語作文myfavori100字
- ·初三英語作文:yesterday300字
- ·初三英語作文:thewaytok100字
- ·初三英語作文:theimport100字
- ·初三英語作文:elephants200字
- ·初三英語作文:dolphin200字
- ·初二英語作文:howtolear200字
- ·一根蠟燭作文 滅絕作文
- ·我是一顆蒲公英作文 皮蛋作文
- ·心與心作文 殘缺的記憶作文
- ·有趣的拼句遊戲作文 最美麗的地方作文
- ·追日作文 中秋明月作文
- ·母親的眼睛作文
- ·彩虹橋作文
- ·颱風來襲作文
- ·長大后的我作文
- ·守護神作文
- ·把心兒打開作文
- ·超級作文800字 笑與哭作文
- ·我美麗的家鄉作文800字 小書作文300字
- ·雨歌作文 我的哥們作文
- ·游尚湖作文 餃子作文250字
- ·今年的作文600字 畢業作文
- ·我喜歡的作文200字