分類:五年級作文 字數:700字 編輯:小景
myschool(我的學校) 標籤:myschool作文 school作文 ourschool作文 childhood作文
My school is the Nanchang Pedagogical Attached Experiment Elementary school .The school altogether has more than 4000 students, several hundred teachers, that many, mention you definitely not to believe that yes, study appearance not under how many students, therefore has divided three school districts: Green hill lake school district, red valley beach school district and main school district .I am the main school district student, the main school district has a Yifu Building, a classroom building, a small athletic field, a basketball court, the new school district has the library, big athletic field, 2 buildings and basketball court. Said our main school district, in each grade class”s population is nearly equal, many 83 people, little 70 several people, two buildings both have six buildings, the classroom building are the class and grade and teacher the office. Yifu Building is 1,4,5 is a class and grade, other are principal and so on other offices. This is my school - - south teacher attached elementary school
myschool(我的學校) 作文推薦:
- ·myschool(我的學校)700字
- ·myschoolwithmyli800字
- ·welcometoonlysch300字
- ·二年級英語作文:myschool100字
- ·二年級英語作文:myschool100字
- ·adayofmyschoolli200字
- ·iandmyschoolmate300字
- ·ilovemyschool700字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool150字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool300字
- ·myschool200字
- ·myschool400字
- ·myschool300字
- ·myschool150字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myschool100字
- ·myteachers100字
- ·myteacher(1)100字
- ·myteacher300字
- ·myteacher1000字
- ·myteacher100字
- ·myteacher100字
- ·myteacher100字
- ·myteacher100字
- ·myweekend100字
- ·改造作文 我的壞習慣作文
- ·我是一個電視迷作文 黑色星期三作文
- ·竇娥作文 雪的記憶作文
- ·難忘的遊戲作文 成績單作文
- ·龍門石窟作文 天目湖作文
- ·有趣的猜字謎作文
- ·主持人作文300字
- ·一道風景線作文
- ·雷鋒精神代代傳作文
- ·小事見真情作文
- ·快樂的往事作文
- ·冬季長跑作文 白雪作文600字
- ·夢緣作文400字 教師節快樂作文100字
- ·心連心作文200字 窗外的作文350字
- ·《狐假虎威》後傳作文 家鄉的小河作文200字
- ·小鴨回家作文 普陀山作文800字
- ·生命的紅星作文