a mother_200字
分類:五年級作文 字數:200字 編輯:pp958
a mother 標籤:mymother作文 mother作文 my mother作文 mybrother作文
In the summer holiday,I went to a pleace called "Zhongshanguzhen””with my parents.I like there!
On the way home,we felt tired,so we went to a cafe and bought some juice and sat there.
suddely,I saw a mother.She looked angry.
"Do you konw how dirty are those?””She said to her son.
“Sorry,mom.””Said that little boy.
“Stay away from those dirty rubbishes,I can not take it any more!”The mother was angry.
I looked at the mother ,she was young,well-dressed and also she is very beautiful.But I do not like her.Because“Virtue is fairer than beauty””,she had no virtue:Why do not she put those rubbishes into the litter bin? It is not too far!
so I put the rubbishes into the litter bin.
That mother was realy a "good examble”。
a mother 作文推薦:

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- ·mymother,father100字
- ·motherlyandfathe600字
- ·themotherlandabe1000字
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- ·thethreebrotherg1600字
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- ·look at the clou350字
- ·mymother”sbirthd100字
- ·高二英語作文:mother’sb400字
- ·saythankyoutomot400字
- ·thanksgivingmoth100字
- ·thisismygrandmot100字
- ·happy birthday 250字
- ·alettertomymothe300字
- ·mymother=sister+700字
- ·anothertermofyr300字
- ·mymother(我的媽媽)1300字
- ·小學英語日記附教師評語-mymo500字
- ·mymother100字
- ·mymother100字
- ·mymother100字
- ·mymother100字
- ·mymother100字
- ·mymother100字
- ·mymother100字
- ·mymother100字
- ·mymother100字
- ·mymother100字
- ·我和她600字
- ·我和她1200字
- ·讀《爸爸、媽媽我和她》有感700字
- ·讀《爸爸、媽媽、我和她》有感800字
- ·千萬別去埃及1100字
- ·埃及700字
- ·作業,想說愛你不容易400字
- ·語文,想說愛你不容易400字
- ·校服,想說愛你不容易啊!450字
- ·想說愛你不容易700字
- ·自己主宰400字
- ·主宰400字
- ·我主宰,我世界500字
- ·萬物的主宰——太陽400字
- ·綠,主宰了一切700字
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- ·那時候作文
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- ·告別童年作文400字