分類:五年級作文 字數:400字 編輯:小景
You know?the poet Xi Murong likes to think of life as a boat between the two sides of the river, the left bank is remembered, the right bank is forgotten. Yes, our boat is in life, and its theme is just two words "remember" and "forget". The two sides of life are becoming clearer and clearer in their hearts, and they are increasingly clear after the time of scour.This is the same, but different people have different answers, David and Chekhov are given different choices. Everything will pass, memories will be forgotten. Everyone is the writer of his own life. Born as a man, we keep in mind and forget the past, cherish the gratitude, happy memories, forget the pain and frustration. Happiness is always so short, and sad memory always haunts. It is a difficult process for the mind to forget and remember. We have to move forward, we have to unload the heavy bags, to tolerate learning to grow. This is the cross-strait of life, the thickness and width are deposited in the time scour, and mature in the inner practice. Doing it does not mean forgetting, and it doesn't mean it is remembered. Remembering what should be remembered, forgetting what should be forgotten, and spend a lifetime with confidence, should be the supreme pursuit.
life 作文推薦:

- ·my daily life150字
- ·chinesespringfes700字
- ·i feel nervous100字
- ·hail-fellow友誼300字
- ·feelings250字
- ·︿lifelikewinterf1000字
- ·living a healthy100字
- ·itismylife400字
- ·life800字
- ·myfricndandfesti300字
- ·different ways 100字
- ·an unforgettable250字
- ·myfatheroutdoors100字
- ·高一英語作文:my school100字
- ·forgetmylife900字
- ·traditionalfesti200字
- ·春節英語作文ilovesprin100字
- ·my school life100字
- ·fet600字
- ·the life250字
- ·my school life150字
- ·attitude on life150字
- ·myschoollife100字
- ·lifemustgoon700字
- ·thespringfestiva500字
- ·how to stay safe200字
- ·astudentincharge600字
- ·new life200字
- ·arts festival350字
- ·wildlife protect250字
- ·喬澤琳的日記100字
- ·追夢——讀《魚燈》有感600字
- ·(090605周記)頭長反毛的小100字
- ·夢想當公主(一)700字
- ·為了夢想150字
- ·嫣然自述(圖文)500字
- ·請保護我們的“朋友”350字
- ·夢擾2049(2)1900字
- ·生活的瑣事250字
- ·插上翅膀的希望300字
- ·老是生氣了150字
- ·童年150字
- ·漓沫。二1000字
- ·我的……500字
- ·且行且珍惜1000字
- ·野草莓作文 難忘的一瞬作文
- ·微笑面對一切作文 閱兵觀后感作文
- ·春望作文 身邊的美麗作文
- ·我憤怒作文 捷徑作文
- ·抓泥鰍作文 初考作文
- ·奧林匹克作文
- ·心靈之旅作文
- ·牛魔王作文
- ·回老家作文600字
- ·二十年後的學校作文
- ·感悟秋天作文
- ·堅強的女孩作文 讀書作文800字
- ·約定作文800字 多功能書包作文500字
- ·五官的爭吵作文 我和凡卡比童年作文600字
- ·野生動物作文800字 我想成為作文700字
- ·動心作文600字 親手作文
- ·校園作文400字