手機:M版 分類:好詞好句 編輯:小景
描寫時尚的英文句子 標籤:英文簡歷
1、Devil killer body, a large wavy golden hair shine, slender legs wearing a yellow goose miniskirts, show figure of the perfect.魔鬼般惹火的身材,一頭大波浪形金黃捲髮發出耀眼的光芒,修長的大腿穿着一條鵝黃色的超短迷你裙,顯出身材的完美絕倫。
2、White cap set her up long hair and half of his face is obscured, but felt she must be very beautiful, breathtaking beauty!白色的鴨舌帽把她那盤起的長發和半張臉都給遮住了,但能感覺出她一定很漂亮,驚人的漂亮!
3、Fashion is not only a kind of appearance, or an inner, popular may not be suitable for you, but according to their own characteristics to dress up yourself, you belong to that kind, mature, lady, or simple and natural, or pure, or movement, a fact that can all be fashionable.時尚不光是一種外表,還是一種內在,時下流行的不一定都適合你,而是要根據自身的特點來打扮自己,看你屬於那一種類型,成熟的,淑女的,還是簡單自然的,還是清純的,還是運動的,其實那一種都可以是時尚的。
4、Clear and bright pupil, the MI, long eyelash tremble slightly, white flawless skin with light pink, thin lips like rose petals delicate drips.清澈明亮的瞳孔,彎彎的柳眉,長長的睫毛微微地顫動着,白皙無瑕的皮膚透出淡淡紅粉,薄薄的雙唇如玫瑰花瓣嬌嫩欲滴。
5、Wheat color skin to a healthy sense of vitality, wearing Nike a complete set of pure white pink edge sportswear, the tiny curly brown hair tied in a relaxed and lively braids, always the confidence of cute expressions.小麥色的皮膚給人一種健康活力的感覺,穿着耐克的一整套的純白帶粉色邊運動服,微卷的褐色頭髮紮成一個輕鬆活潑的辮子,總是那自信可愛的表情。
6、Hip-hop, cowboy wind, and the wind wind wind, occupation, fur, all-match, hippie, ladies fashion, Korean, Japanese, what is it Fashion is the urban special logo, is a city in the vast city of special psychological needs.嘻哈風、牛仔風、歐美風、職業風、皮草風、百搭、嘻皮、淑女、韓流、哈日,時尚到底是什麼?時尚其實是都市特殊的標誌,是都市人在紛繁蕪雜的城市中特殊的心理需要。
7、Fashion, is a kind of aesthetic view. Brother is a punk, you satisfied 時尚,就是一種審美觀。哥就朋克,你不服嗎?
8、Wearing a blue skirt, microstrip wheat color skin looks so healthy, black hair like a waterfall vertically over the shoulders, with a reddish face.一個穿着粉藍色裙子的女孩,微帶着小麥色的皮膚看起來是那麼健康,烏黑的頭髮瀑布般垂直地披在肩上,臉蛋微微透着淡紅。
9、Some people say that loneliness is shameful, but fashion is a means of resistance alone, this is fashion realm.有人說孤獨是可恥的,而時尚則是抵抗孤獨的手段,這才是時尚的境界。

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