地震作文:yushu earthquake_800字
分類:初二作文 字數:800字 編輯:得得9
地震作文:yushu earthquake 標籤:地震作文 birthday作文 聖誕party作文 english作文
Qinghai lies in the northeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau, which formed due to the ongoing collision of the Indian Plate with the Eurasian Plate. The main deformation in this area is crustal shortening, but there is also a component of left lateral strike-slip faulting on major west–east trending structures such as the Kunlun and Altyn Tagh fault systems that accommodate southeastward translation of the Tibetan area. More For Yushu earthquake.
The earthquake occurred on the Yunshu fault,about 300 kilometres (186 mi) south of the Kunlun fault. The Yunshu fault forms part of the Yushu-Garzê-Xianshuihe fault zone (玉樹-甘孜-鮮水河斷裂帶), one of the most active fault zones in eastern Tibet.In history, many earthquakes with magnitude greater than 7 have occurred in the Xianshuihe fault zone,[此為地域名] for example, the magnitude 7.25 earthquake in the Luhuo area on March 24, 1923, and the Ms 7.6 earthquake on Febuary 6, 1973 in Luhuo.
這次地震發生在距崑崙斷裂帶以南約300公里(186英里)的玉樹地區。(Joozone Note:在這裡yushu也可以拼做:Yunshu)。玉樹地區是“玉樹-甘孜-鮮水河斷裂帶”的一部分,它是西藏東部最活躍的斷裂帶之一。歷史上,大量的超過七級的地震都發生在鮮水河斷裂帶,比如,1923年3月24日,在爐霍地區發生的7.25級地震,和1973年2月6日在爐霍地區發生的MS 7.6級地震。翻譯由作文地帶提供。
Almost all sections of the Xianshuihe fault zone have produced strong earthquakes in records, except the sections of Yushu and Shimian (石棉). However, a trace of a strong earthquake occurred about 16 000 or 17 000 years ago has been found in Shimian. Hence, the Shimian section of the Xianshuihe fault zone is speculated to be currently locked and have the possibility of producing strong earthquake in the future.
地震作文:yushu earthquake 作文推薦:

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