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分類:初二作文  字數:500字  編輯:小景

The friend, is the summer cool Water seepage , slowly moistens the oxygendeficit the heart;  

The friend, is the autumn plentiful fruit, quietly fills the boundlessappetite;  

The friend, is the winter warm flare, warmly warmly shines the dimmind.

  Tests the bad result when you, is the friend comforts you, arrangessorrow for you;  

Approaches when you despairs, is the friend encourages you, increasesthe confidence for you;  

Had sadly when you, the friend can be initiative and you shares;  

Encounters the difficulty when you, the friend braves grave dangersand make great sacrifices for you.

When the friend tests the bad result, do you have thought comforts thefriend, arranges sorrow for the friend?  

When the friend approaches despairs, do you have thought encouragesthe friend, increases the confidence for the friend?  

When the friend had is sad, do you have thought and the friend shares?  

When the friend encounters the difficulty, do you have thought bravesgrave dangers and make great sacrifices for the friend?

In a moment, the friend will be strange,  

Can like wind to blow, likes a shower to get down, likes awisp sunlight to sprinkle.  

Treasures the friendship, you have achieved?  

Well thought you lose all all, is only has the friend to keep yourside the time to be longest?  

Links last the wisp sunlight you also to have to lose?  

Hundred revolutions of thousand chapters, you also have the friend!

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