分類:初二作文 字數:200字 編輯:pp958
Grandfather had left the winter and spring to mention a hundred girls on the basket of flowers, accompanied by spring, with spring, came to the earth.
You see, spring light sprinkle, sprinkle lightly onto the plants, the original silent forests, even the girl because the arrival of spring, and put on new clothes, green. Small wildflowers is not far behind, scrambling to leap grass, green grass to add some color.
You see, a small squirrel-shen long lazy waist; Microtusmud hole, called a deep breath of fresh air; small free son punched a yawn, suddenly discovered that grass had jumped out, pleasantly surprised to, ate個. The most favorite is the birds, and spring into one, it would go thisthe door, went to sing beautiful songs, really busy!
"Spring is theday morning of lies." Said the old well, or let us good good study, day day up now!
spring~!! 作文推薦:

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