分類:初二作文 字數:200字 編輯:pp958
herhealthylifestyleands 標籤:thestars作文 theseason作文 theend作文 mylife作文
She has a good healthy lifestyle.She exercises every day,usually when she comes home from school.her eating habits are pretty good.She trys to eat a lot of vegetables.She eats fruits ang drinks milk every day.She never drinks coffee.Of course,she loves junk food too,and she eats it two or three times a week.Oh,and she sleeps nine hours every night.So you see,she looks after her health.And her healthy lifestyle helps her gets good grades.Goodfood and exercise help her to study better.
She has a good study lifestyle too.She read books every day.And she does homework every day too.Of course,she loves watching TV .But she never watches TV on school night.
Good healthy lifestyle and good study lifestyle help her a lot!
herhealthylifestyleands 作文推薦:

- ·herhealthylifest200字
- ·ahealthylifestyl100字
- ·ahealthylifestyl100字
- ·ahealthylifestyl100字
- ·mylifestyle100字
- ·mylifestyle100字
- ·thenewlearningst400字
- ·how do you think500字
- ·myfriend”slifest100字
- ·healthyandstrong100字
- ·honestyisthebest100字
- ·traditional chin250字
- ·clothes style150字
- ·我的生活方式(my lifest400字
- ·honesty is thebe500字
- ·motherlyandfathe600字
- ·thespringfestiva200字
- ·thefurthestdista200字
- ·henry”s healthy 100字
- ·study hard and 100字
- ·littlerhymes100字
- ·iandsisterwriter100字
- ·pourintherealtas500字
- ·marchthewindanda1400字
- ·different people250字
- ·the ways to keep150字
- ·thecityandtherur300字
- ·living a healthy100字
- ·bestwishestoteac100字
- ·thebrightiststar200字
- ·enjoyourlifes200字
- ·changesinpeople”100字
- ·beobserversinlif1000字
- ·ahealthylifestyl100字
- ·ahealthylifestyl100字
- ·seasons300字
- ·seasons100字
- ·fourseasonstheli100字
- ·我愛你——偉大的spring500字
- ·範文賞析:spring 春1200字
- ·walkupspring100字
- ·thespringfestiva200字
- ·thespringfestiva500字
- ·springfestival100字
- ·spring~!!200字
- ·多好啊作文 關於作文
- ·樂於助人作文 愛你作文
- ·名言的啟示作文 雪泣作文
- ·心靈美作文 心靈的震撼作文
- ·觀察日記四則作文 雪作文
- ·搖籃作文
- ·受騙以後作文600字
- ·閃閃紅星作文
- ·冬夜作文600字
- ·杯具作文
- ·看花燈作文200字
- ·第二次作文1000字 弧線作文
- ·我美麗的家作文500字 祈福作文800字
- ·黃瓜作文700字 冰花作文100字
- ·一定要作文350字 搶板凳作文
- ·讀《詹天佑》有感700字 難忘的一個人作文800字
- ·家鄉的田野作文200字