分類:初二作文 字數:1100字 編輯:得得9
thedoll(劇本)場景scene3,4 標籤:thedog作文 school作文 myschool作文 ourschool作文
Scene3 Narrator A: the party is going on. Even though it was a party they didn’t play any games. Kitty called them to tell them something. (The stage manager puts up four chairs) Kitty: Maria, Jerry and Leo come! Jerry: why? Kitty: never mind why, just come. (They all came and took sat on a chair) Kitty: Actually,I invited all of you just to tell you something.
P 2 Leo: tell us what? Kitty : I wanted to tell you that if I am not the winner of the story competition Martha will get killed because she is the judge! Narrator B: Everyone was shocked when they heard what kitty said. (Everyone was shocked) Jerry but how are you going to kill her? Kitty: (Looking at her doll) I have a special way of killing her. Maria: Oh I see… Kitty : Now you all are free to go. (Kitty, Maria, jerry and Leo got off the stage) Scene4 (Martha gets out of the room and Kelly came on the stage) Martha: Kelly. Where have you been? I haven’t seen you for ages! Narrator A: Kelly was Martha’s classmate but he was absent for a month. Kelly: oh no don’t ever talk about it, it was terrible! I was sick for the whole month and couldn’t come to school! Martha: oh but that wasn’t very good. Kelly: But there is a good news. Martha: I am not interested in news. Kelly: the good news is----I brought in the story! Martha: that is not news. Kelly: well sort of it is. (Kelly took it out of his bag and gave it to Martha.) Narrator B: Martha was very happy to get any story in because there is possibility of the story would win. She just wanted others to win instead of kitty. But it depends on the story, she can’t just judge by using who she likes more. Kelly: I’ve spent a lot of time on this story. Narrator A: Martha was really glad to hear it. (Kelly got off the stage) (Martha went in her room, she sat down and read the story carefully.) Martha: Horay! Kelly has got the best story! She will be the winner not kitty .oh I am so happy. Narrator B: Martha was so happy about it that she kissed the story. (Martha kisses the story.)
thedoll(劇本)場景scene3,4 作文推薦:

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