分類:初二作文 字數:1100字 編輯:得得9
thedoll(劇本)scene場景9,10 標籤:thedog作文 school作文 myschool作文 ourschool作文
Scene 9 ( Martha came) Martha: Leo, my parents have invited you for dinner tonight will you please come? Leo: No I needed to save you. Martha: Save me? What do you mean? Leo: Don’t you understand? Martha: No, I don’t even know what you are talking about. Leo: Ok. Kitty says that if she didn’t win in the story competition then she will kill you. ( Martha was shocked) Martha: that is so mean! Leo: I know, jerry and Maria sacrifice themselves for you. Martha: Is that why they didn’t come to school? Leo: yeah, and now it is my turn to save you. Good bye Martha. ( Leo said turning around and walking away) (Martha followed) Martha: No Leo, don’t. Leo: Why? Martha: I am the one that is suppose to get kill not you. Leo: No I am going to, I promised maria and jerry to do it before they die. And if I don’t do it, nothing will go right because I broke the promises and you will die and kitty will win the fight. Martha: But Leo, think clearly, do you think a promise is more important than your life? Leo: This is not only about a promise, it is also about your life! And any way don’t mind my business. Martha: ok but I want to come with you.
Leo: you can if you like but hide behind the rocks so kitty can’t see you. Martha: Ok. Hyeyeon: Now we are all going to have a little break and we will start again after five minutes. Scene 1o (Stage manager puted a chair up) (kitty was already on the stage) Narrator B: They arrived at a cave and found kitty. ( kitty didn’t notice) Martha: That is kitty! Leo: Hush! Now hide here, bye Martha. Martha: But…… Kitty:( saying to the doll) Today lily you are really going to kill….. Narrator A: When kitty was going to say Martha, leo shouted out his own name. Leo: Leo! (Then fall down) Kitty: Leo! Not you! Martha: Are you alright? Kitty: I am afride he is died. Martha: I know you are trying to kill me but why are you killing so many people that should get killed? Kitty: Do you think it is my fault? Martha: Of course it is. I don’t want one more person to die because of this so now I will sacrifice my self as you wish. (Martha crashed herself on the wall and dropped down.) (Kelly walked in wondering around without noticeing anything. Narrator B: kelly have just came back from the trip and didn’t know what was happening. Kitty: Is he still alive? Well then I am going to kill him because if he wasn’t alive I will win the competition. Kitty: Today lily you are going to kill….. Martha: Kitty! (Then drops her head) Kitty: Martha! Why did you say that? (kitty died) Kelly: Everybody I am back! Narrator A: Just then Kelly saw a dead body. (He saw a dead body)
Kelly: oh my gosh!
thedoll(劇本)scene場景9,10 作文推薦:

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