分類:初一作文 字數:1450字 編輯:pp958
thedoll(2) 標籤:thedog作文 hello作文 mymother作文 thestars作文
Charpter 2 “Kelly! Where have you been?” Asked Martha when she saw Kelly the next day. “I was really sick and couldn’t come to school.” Kelly was absent for nearly a week. “I am glad you are better now .” said Martha. “ have you finished you story yet?” “Yes.” He took out the story and gave it to Martha. “I’ve worked very hard on it.” He said. Just then the teacher walked in. “Everyone please get into your seats.” She told everyone. They all got into their seats. Kitty walked to the front and gave the teacher a present as usual. This time it was a diamond ring. In the past few months she has always given something like watches, bracelets, necklesses, ear rings… etc. “Thank you very much.” Said the teacher. She is a big snob. Of course, kitty was the richest in the class, no one except from her could afford giving the teacher jewelry, and especially EVERYDAY! “So, today we are going to have a math test.” Sara announced. “The winner will get longer breaks than the others.” She added, handing everyone a piece of papper. The questions were very hard. Sara sat right next to kitty, making sure she gets all of them right. Everyone was quite furious with Sara, but nothing could be done, she’s the teacher, after all. After the test was over, Sara collected the pappers. And,without looking, she announced the winner. DUH, of course it’s Kitty. Not for the sake of she is the teacher’s pet, just for the sake of her expensive jewery! Sara, what a nice teacher, indeed! Kitty smiled grimly at Martha and went out for break. “The rest of you may write a report on what a nice teacher I am.” Everyone thought she was joking. She knows how she had treated her students, I guess that is what makes her such a jerk. Of course, Martha didn’t write any nice things in the report, but the opposite. The bell rang and everyone went off for break. Martha’s friend Maria came to chat with her. “How is the competition?” Maria asked, she still remembered what kitty said to her. “Fine, I’ve got all the stories and I’ll announce the winner today.” Replied Martha. Please let it be Kitty, for your own sake.Maria begged in her mind “Can you tell me the winner, ppppplllllleeeeaaaassseee……” “Nope!” Said Martha firmly. “Pleeaaassseeee, I won’t tell anyone! I promise!”Maria begged again. “Alright, but don”t spill the beans! Its Kelly! “Kelly!” Oh no… thought Maria. “Can’t you change it to kitty?” “Godness me! What has gotten in to you these days?” “This is for your own good, listen to me, just for once!” Said Maria, anxiously. “Maria, I can’t understand you. Are you scared of Kitty or what?” Martha asked, a little angrily. Maria was speechless. Should I tell her about it? Maria wondered.
thedoll(2) 作文推薦:

- ·thedogandtheshad50字
- ·rebir in the fal600字
- ·the fighting s200字
- ·the high technol200字
- ·thedoll(劇本)scene1100字
- ·thedoll(劇本)場景sce1400字
- ·thedoll(劇本)場景sce1100字
- ·thedoll(劇本)場景sce3900字
- ·thedoll(劇本)場景sce1900字
- ·thedoll(劇本)場景sce1300字
- ·thebarbiedolls200字
- ·thedoll(2)1450字
- ·thefollow-upofth800字
- ·thedogsavedman100字
- ·togetherthrought500字
- ·whatshouldwedofo200字
- ·thecolorfulschoo100字
- ·when in china 150字
- ·look at the clou350字
- ·topthemealofthed200字
- ·themoonchildofth600字
- ·the theft done b600字
- ·condoling with a200字
- ·theschooldaybefo200字
- ·thecolorsofthera1100字
- ·the wolf and the500字
- ·the rabbit and t600字
- ·the origin of th800字
- ·the size of the 450字
- ·mimithedog200字
- ·放天燈500字
- ·告別800字
- ·成功一刻700字
- ·母親與兒子350字
- ·悟150字
- ·友誼〓數碼400字
- ·未來250字
- ·做好人未必有好報100字
- ·平和是金800字
- ·膽喪魂驚1900字
- ·心情100字
- ·堅持等於成功600字
- ·釣魚(必看哦!)600字
- ·幸福400字
- ·半瓶陽光500字
- ·讀繁星春水作文 西子湖畔作文
- ·兩岸作文 黑板上的記憶作文
- ·外公和外婆作文 和平之鴿作文
- ·成長的我作文 數碼暴龍作文
- ·歡天喜地八仙女作文 我的煩心事作文
- ·今天真熱作文
- ·春之曲作文
- ·柳絮紛飛作文
- ·誠信的故事作文
- ·愛的謊言作文
- ·開運動會作文
- ·觀國慶閱兵式作文 病毒作文
- ·旅途中作文 姐姐作文250字
- ·難以忘記作文800字 抗爭作文700字
- ·搶板凳作文450字 明天更美好作文700字
- ·小人國作文 不孤單作文600字
- ·愛秋作文150字