分類:初一作文 字數:1400字 編輯:小景
thedoll(劇本)場景scene1,2 標籤:thedog作文 school作文 myschool作文 ourschool作文
Scene1 (The stage manager puts up the papers with letter on it on the board the other way) (Phoebe came up on stage) Phoebe: I wrote this story. My friend and I will show you a play named ? (Everyone went and get their paper and stand together.) they will make a line like this: Shikha
SO IT WILL SAY THE DOLL! Shikha: I am Narrator A. Oliver :
I am leo and I will be 12 this year. Filip: I am Jerry - the cool guy! Hyeyeon : I am kitty, and over here is my doll- lily. Phoebe: I am Martha . I am sure everyone knows that I am best friends with Hyeyeon but not in the play! Richard : I am Kelly ?the best writer! Andrea: I am Maria. The wonderful name. August: I am narrator B. (the stage manager puts THE back and put End as well) (DOLL! Goes to the shelf) (Everyone got off the stage except from jerry) (The stage manager bring jerry’s bag and give it to him)
Scene 2 Narrator A: It was a Tuesday afternoon, the story competition had just started. (Martha got on) Martha: hi jerry! Have you finished your story? Narrator B : Martha was the judge of the story competition. Jerry: Yes it is here, take it. (He took it out of his bag and gave it to Martha. jerry got off the stage) (Kitty entered and walked around without looking at Martha) Martha: Hi kitty, how are you? Narrator A: Martha stood there waiting for kitty to give an answer. But her answer surprised Martha a lot! Kitty: only the mot stupid person would say hi to someone who doesn’t even care about it. Narrator B: the sentence made Martha really sad like a storm in a sunny day. (Martha walked slowly into the room and sat down. She stared out to see kitty) (Maria and Leo got on the stage) Kitty: Maria, can you come to my party? Maria: yeah sure I cam but when? Kitty: today at 7:00. Maria: ok I will come. Kitty : And you Leo? Leo: yeah I think so. And I told jerry about it. He said he is coming. (They all got off) Martha: oh no! Kitty has the best story, what am I going to do? I hate her! (Martha looked worried)
thedoll(劇本)場景scene1,2 作文推薦:

- ·thedoll(劇本)場景sce1400字
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- ·thedoll(劇本)場景sce1900字
- ·thedoll(劇本)場景sce1300字
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