how to learn english well_400字
分類:初二作文 字數:400字 編輯:pp958
how to learn english well 標籤:english作文 shopping作文 hello作文 flowers作文
What“s English?It“s the most important languages in the world.But do you know how to learn English well?Here is some advice of mine.
To improve your listening skills,you should listen to English songs as often as possible.Why not see English films?They can help you pass the listening exam.
To improve your speaking skills,try to speak English in class.You“d better talk with your classmates in English.Don“t be afraid of making mistakes.As a saying goes,Rome wasn“t built in a day.You should keep on speaking English.
To improve reading skills,how about reading an English book?But it mustn“t be too difficult ofr you.You“d better choose something interesting to read.On one hand,it can develop your interest.On the other hand,it can improve your reading skills.There“s a famous saying,where there is a will,there is a way.
To improve your writing skills,you“d better make your handwriting is good.That“s the point.Don“be afraid to make mistakes.Everyone makes mistakes.It“s a good idea to write down your mistakes and correct answers in your notebook.Don“t forget to check your notebook every day.
In a word,nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.I think you“ll learn English well one day.
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