分類:四年級作文 字數:250字 編輯:pp958
howdidcomputerchange 標籤:computer作文 hometown作文 chapter作文 teacher作文
Today we have computers to use, it changes our lives in many different ways .There are two different main catalos, there are good ones and there are bad one. There are more bad ones than the good ones.
They also steal/change other people identity/information. There are even worst thing coming up. People use computer to cheat in class for test, those are min computers that they can hide when teachers comes near. Some people use computer to trick kids and teens into meeting them and then they kidnap them. Now back to the good said of using a computer. Computer made storing information easier and getting information easier.
Different people may have different ideas on computers. Some people like computers other did not.
howdidcomputerchange 作文推薦:
- ·howdidcomputerch250字
- ·internetandcompu300字
- ·getting rid of c250字
- ·don't rely too m350字
- ·tecomputergames200字
- ·how important ex100字
- ·computer中毒症1700字
- ·computer100字
- ·computerandi200字
- ·computerandi200字
- ·computerandi100字
- ·computerandi200字
- ·computerandi100字
- ·computerandi100字
- ·computerandi500字
- ·computer愛你容易,懂你難400字
- ·computer愛你容易,懂你難400字
- ·computer愛你容易,懂你難400字
- ·mynewcomputer700字
- ·stopcomputergame200字
- ·thecomputer200字
- ·初二英語作文:ilovecomp300字
- ·初中英語作文:computerg200字
- ·computer50字
- ·play computer ga250字
- ·compurterisvery危1200字
- ·howdostudentsget100字
- ·nothingeverchang1000字
- ·alettertowinterc300字
- ·write a letter h300字
- ·觀電影《建國大業》有感600字
- ·觀《建國大業》有感600字
- ·《建國大業》觀后感600字
- ·《建國大業》觀后感700字
- ·《建國大業》觀后感600字
- ·裝飾教室600字
- ·家中最好的裝飾600字
- ·不想長大450字
- ·不想長大1200字
- ·不想長大200字
- ·不想長大200字
- ·不想不想長大450字
- ·變臉娃娃400字
- ·芭比娃娃的自述300字
- ·芭比娃娃的夢想900字
- ·爸爸,您辛苦了作文 特殊的生日禮物作文
- ·致運動員作文 小黑雞作文
- ·旋舞作文 花語作文
- ·留點感激在心中作文 快樂的大課間作文
- ·短髮作文 飲食作文
- ·採訪錄作文
- ·過節作文
- ·給父母的一封感恩信作文
- ·春日偶成作文
- ·清貧作文
- ·謝謝您,我的老師作文
- ·送給媽媽作文200字 鏡子中的我作文
- ·搶橡皮作文600字 改革開放作文900字
- ·滑旱冰作文300字 傷痕作文
- ·公交車上的作文800字 盛世大閱兵作文
- ·屬於我們的作文700字 一年一度作文
- ·節能作文500字