分類:初二作文 字數:1700字 編輯:小景
acrimsonsensation. 標籤:seasons作文 season作文 theseason作文 rooms作文
It was a dark and stormy day. Or maybe I should say “It was ANOTHER dark and stormy day.” And perhaps “It was STILL a dark and stormy day.” Alright, it had always been like this for centuries, raining and raining endlessly. Ever since they had weather control, that is. And as if raining wasn’t enough— Thunders roared past like trillions of bombs going off all at once. Heartrending things never come alone. But no one seemed to care. As long as they all live in the community, where everyone is being taken care of, everything is OKAY. As they would always say in the loud speaker every time of chaos comes:“People, may I have your attention please.” It was a voice within the eluvia box embedded in a massive wall. Everyone dropped dead to listen. “A large tornado has arrived—” Sometimes it was “Earthquakes”, other times “bad windy days” or large grieves in the community like “Our great leader passed out in his study the other evening.” What ever those horrible things were, their tone sounded ever so joyous. A silence of either horror or remorse which never lasted long. “However,” the speaker continued. “Suitable arrangements had been made and there is nothing to worry. All will be sorted out by morning. So please carry on with your normal schedules and routines.” Another silence of uncertainty. Then followed by a CLING from dropping down the mouthpiece. Till then, various sounds broke out. “Hey dad, what did they mean by ‘passed out’ when they mentioned our leader?” Asked a little pre-teen, her eyes sparkled with light. “Well,” paused the man in his thirties. “They basically meant death.” He released. The girl lowered her head; it was hard to see her emotions, if there were any at all. Then she opened her mouth to ask another question. “How does it feel to be dead?” The man frowned. “You’re dead. You’re gone.” He said. “You’re not there anymore. And you can’t feel a darn thing.” She leaped into the brooding silence. The dad was somewhat aware of his inappropriate teachings. “Actually I don’t really know.” He was trying to swallow back his words “I mean, I’ve never been dead before.” An awkward little smile spread on his face. “I guess people go to another world.” He added. It wasn’t a lie, not exactly. Besides, everyone had to be complete honest with each other, and lying is against the rules. Only the leader or VIPs in the community gets to lie. Or as they say it “Have the special priority to retain secrets.” Sorta the same thing. “What’s the other world like?” She wasn’t willing to give up, not yet. The man thought for a while, chin in hands, obviously trying to make up stuff. “Probably pretty much the same as how things are here. Like a — now what was that word again? Oh yeah, community. I bet it’s another community with a leader, few advisors and citizens. Elders, adults and youngsters and rules and — and—things, you know.” She listened with wide eyes, a mixture of enchantment and confusion. “Wait, I thought they told us that we were the only community the whole wide world!” She said, with her tiny fingers pointing to the wall, where the box of voices inlays. The adult looked away, not willing to say anything. “Dad, what’s the matter?” “Alright I lied OK? There’s no another community, I made it up. I lied.” He wasn’t even sure if it was a lie or not, but he saw no other way. He couldn’t overset the statement made by the community, no way. “But lying is against the rules. And it isn’t good.” The girl stared up in disbelief. “You know what, you’re right. I apologize for lying.” The forty year-old man apologized to his daughter. It’s a process everyone had to go through once they broke a rule. “I accept your apologize.” She said automatically. And at this very moment, the announcements went off. Voices came out of the box once again. “People of the community, may I have your attention please. There will be a memorial ceremony of our leader held at the auditorium this afternoon at 2pm. BE THERE.” They held their breathes, fearing their breathing sounds might distract others from hearing the voice, which will be considered disrespectful towards the good of whole community. A CLING sound awakened the world. Everyone back to their normal routine. “Katherine, Edward, get ready for the ceremony. We’re leaving right this hour.” A woman’s high-pitched voice. “And Philip, please take the kids to sit with the other families. I will be with the elders” The woman saw her husband’s puzzled look and immediately added, “It’s my turn to take care of the elders, remember?” The man let out a sigh of relief. “Come on guys, we don’t want to be late. ” “Oh wait! Katherine, your hair ribbon is loose.” “Hey Edward, tie your shoelaces!” And yet, it was still a dark and stormy day. The rain poured on the umbrellas and dropping down almost like a water curtain, as hundreds of families headed toward the auditorium, where a ceremony will be held at, just as always. To be continued…
acrimsonsensation. 作文推薦:

- ·acrimsonsensatio1700字
- ·songofseasons100字
- ·chinese’sseasons200字
- ·one-day tour of 500字
- ·reason.season.li500字
- ·小升初英語作文four seas200字
- ·seasonsinchina200字
- ·seasonsinchina200字
- ·ateacherforallse200字
- ·beautifulfoursea100字
- ·changingseasons100字
- ·differentseasons200字
- ·fourseasons100字
- ·fourseasons100字
- ·fourseasons200字
- ·fourseasons100字
- ·fourseasons200字
- ·fourseasons200字
- ·fourseasons100字
- ·fourseasons300字
- ·fourseasons300字
- ·fourseasonsinwuh100字
- ·fourseasonsinyan200字
- ·fourseasonstheli100字
- ·myfavoriteseason200字
- ·myseasons100字
- ·seasons100字
- ·seasons100字
- ·seasons100字
- ·seasons100字
- ·遠去的芭比400字
- ·天600字
- ·生命800字
- ·買彩電記667字
- ·秋400字
- ·it`sme.100字
- ·.感謝您,母親700字
- ·我看平凡700字
- ·記錯700字
- ·挑戰600字
- ·友情似水800字
- ·朋友600字
- ·隨想1800字
- ·時光500字
- ·碎碎然700字
- ·書包里的對話作文 春的遐想作文
- ·我是媽媽的好幫手作文 祈福作文
- ·心中的燈作文 我家的小鴨作文
- ·神舟七號作文 步行街作文
- ·金絲熊作文 祖國啊作文
- ·廣寒宮作文
- ·適應作文
- ·出錯作文
- ·夏天走了作文
- ·藍蝴蝶作文
- ·我愛綠色作文
- ·在這裡作文350字 謝謝你作文400字
- ·家鄉的第一場雪作文 寫給父母的一封信作文800字
- ·暴雨作文450字 柳州作文500字
- ·拉薩作文600字 能手作文300字
- ·嬉戲作文 勿忘作文
- ·醒來作文300字