my friend_100字
分類:初三作文 字數:100字 編輯:小景
my friend 標籤:my friend作文 myfriend作文 myfriends作文 friend作文
My friend Jane is a pretty and cute girl. She has a pair of big and bright eyes, which seem as if they can speak. Under her small lovely nose,there is a little naughty mouth. Her hair is straight and long, hanging down to her shoulders. In one word, she is a healthy girl. She is the best student in her class. She always gets full marks in the exams. What”s more, she can play the piano, and she sings and dances well. In every New Year”s party,she plays the piano and sings sweet songs for her classmates. Everybody loves her very much.
my friend 作文推薦:
my friend 暫無評論相關作文
- ·myfamily(我的家庭)350字
- ·my plan for spri100字
- ·mybusyweekends100字
- ·myday300字
- ·myfavoriteanimal200字
- ·myfriendyuanyuan200字
- ·myschoollife200字
- ·mypenfriend100字
- ·初中英語作文:my school200字
- ·my father100字
- ·myhappiestday325字
- ·my week’s life350字
- ·myhouse200字
- ·my heart has its200字
- ·my body50字
- ·my family50字
- ·myfamily500字
- ·mygoodfriends.200字
- ·五年級英語作文:a photo 200字
- ·mygoodfriend----300字
- ·my favourite 150字
- ·my sister100字
- ·my room100字
- ·basketball---myf200字
- ·my sister mary250字
- ·my seven day100字
- ·my favorite subj500字
- ·mydaysoftheweek100字
- ·my favorite t250字
- ·studentsaremyfri400字
- ·棋路漫漫800字
- ·路漫漫700字
- ·長征路漫漫---------電影800字
- ·堅定不移跟着走——觀《我的長征》2200字
- ·beijingolympicst300字
- ·牢騷450字
- ·牢騷100字
- ·發牢騷500字
- ·走過那一個拐角800字
- ·走過那一個拐角900字
- ·走過那一個拐角700字
- ·走過那一個拐角500字
- ·走過那一個拐角500字
- ·走過那一個拐角1200字
- ·走過那一個拐角1200字
- ·愛充滿人間作文 破碎作文
- ·遇見你作文 享受生命作文
- ·氣象作文 期望作文
- ·在迎世博的日子裡作文 當老師作文
- ·媽媽的心作文 畢業典禮作文
- ·無瑕作文
- ·維多利亞港作文
- ·我的寒假生活作文600字
- ·我最敬佩的老師作文600字
- ·我的寒假我做主作文
- ·米粒作文
- ·我不怕作文400字 我和書作文450字
- ·《海底兩萬里》作文500字 上帝作文100字
- ·泡麵作文500字 老樹作文
- ·回憶軍訓作文 《開學第一課》作文200字
- ·撒旦的天使吻作文 光輝作文
- ·傻事作文400字