分類:初三作文 字數:200字 編輯:得得9
Someone said: "father is like a mountain, solemn and great. A mother's love is like water, gentle and kind" a mother's love is like water, because it is clear as water, no dirty things, let us bathe in the sea of love, and spring-like weathering rain, moistens our young and small mind. A mother's love to love you not because of any self, her love is selfless, is not return, so she is willing to pay. A mother's love can sometimes be like water, gently pushes us these small boats, filled with strong love around water, protect us. A mother's love is like water, you understand the mother the softness and the purity of love?

母愛似水(英文) 暫無評論
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- ·我愛你,祖國1000字
- ·祖國,我愛你!700字
- ·祖國,我愛你!1500字
- ·祖國,我愛你300字
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