分類:初三作文 字數:300字 編輯:得得9
Dear Mike, How is everyting going ? I”d like to show you two photos of our family. They were took in this spring. When our families went out to enjoy ourselves. In spring, the weather is nice. Do you think so? Look!The first one ,we went out on a picnic on the beach.My mother and father were taking care of my younger sister.I was watching the beautiful scene at the sea and drinking.The second one ,when we finished,it was rain heavily ,we came back in a hurry.we were going home with a piece of cloth in this picture. We had a good time !I”d like you enjoy them ! Yours, Liming
writing 作文推薦:

writing 暫無評論
- ·englishwritting100字
- ·此女子拿mīńɡ等待1600字
- ·今(jīn)天(tiān)是(s469字
- ·初二英語作文:iamwrong200字
- ·nowrongnumbers100字
- ·writing300字
- ·wrestling100字
- ·just writing450字
- ·writing for the 450字
- ·springiscoming!s1100字
- ·talkingaboutlear200字
- ·hangdidexingzhua800字
- ·jingke kills the350字
- ·iforgettowritemy100字
- ·高二英語作文:如何寫總結 how450字
- ·write a letter400字
- ·write a letter h300字
- ·write a letter t700字
- ·ewrere400字
- ·writes for that 1970字
- ·iandsisterwriter100字
- ·mynewroom100字
- ·how to write chi200字
- ·write an article400字
- ·writtenrequestfo600字
- ·write in reply200字
- ·母親節,給媽媽的long lon1600字
- ·ongoinghomeforch400字
- ·ilikesingsongand300字
- ·asavingsong100字
- ·一如既往1400字
- ·螞蟻贊1000字
- ·《求生》三1600字
- ·凌煙閣24功臣之1--侯君集700字
- ·(100409周記)失敗並不可怕600字
- ·心靈的遺忘900字
- ·撒嬌600字
- ·冬天400字
- ·緣聚小荷⑤500字
- ·“陽光”的溫暖1000字
- ·美麗的痂500字
- ·淡凝月100字
- ·我的同桌200字
- ·孤獨的星星300字
- ·奧運之城書香之城600字
- ·一次比賽作文 生命的舞曲作文
- ·我流淚了作文 永遠不要放棄作文
- ·與書結緣作文 張老師作文
- ·古詩文大賽作文 小男孩的故事作文
- ·jay作文 地球姑娘作文
- ·新學期新氣象作文
- ·感悟人生作文600字
- ·知了猴作文
- ·快樂的嘗試作文
- ·清明祭掃作文
- ·美麗的校園作文400字
- ·木蘭作文 如果我有一雙翅膀作文
- ·讀《朝花夕拾》有感 我的2008作文500字
- ·夢境作文1000字 元旦作文800字
- ·窗邊的小豆豆作文900字 我喜歡書作文
- ·海上作文500字 人要守信作文
- ·發明作文400字