分類:初三作文 字數:400字 編輯:得得9
apoem。 標籤:remember作文
Over that rampart
Over the sea
Over the whole world
To find you and me
It’s a blustery day
Wind knocking on our doors
Telling us with faintest voices
Go, if you may.
The air cried incisively
Shrieking in alarm
Why do you seem so far?
When you’re right in my arms
I’d rather change my self
More than make you cry
There’s nothing I can do
But to say goodbye
May roses be red?
May emptiness be black?
Feel that redolent scent
Filling each and every crack
Life is huge
Death is elephantine
Ones without bitterness
Are not good wine
apoem。 作文推薦:

apoem。 暫無評論
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