分類:初三作文 字數:500字 編輯:pp958
adespoticemperor 標籤:remember作文 mybrother作文 introduce作文 computer作文
Once there was a despotic emperor who made arbitrary decisions. The people under his dominion all suffered this tyranny. The upper level and lower level were so clear and made obvious that they look almost like the sand and water layer that was separated in a centrifuge. He’s life was transient due to this exorbitant amount of entertainment and alcoholic absorption. But he remained dogmatic to the end. People warned him to choose his heir prudently but his fanaticism in his stolid brain convinced him that his elder son was a much better choice. So he promulgated this decision right before he died. And that was a self-evident mistake; everyone could see his life was an ugly pratfall. The new heir was even crueler than his father. He planned an artifice to execute this younger brother- a possible threat to his authority. He prevaricated and accused this younger brother for endeavoring usurpation and eventfully finished him. This annexation of sin refracted the widespread totalitarianism of that period of time.
Centrifuge 離心機
Pratfall 屁股着地摔倒
Prudence 謹慎
Dominion 領域。管轄
Transgress 違反
Prevaricate 撒謊
Artifice 詭計
Stolid 麻木
Annex 合併。增添
Tyranny 暴政。專制。
Refract 折射。
Endeavor 努力。
Arbitrary 武斷
Promulgate 公布
Exorbitant 過多。
Self- evident 不證自明的。
Transient 短暫的。
Usurpation (名)篡奪。
Despot 專制君主。暴君。
Dogmatic 固執己見的。
Fanaticism 盲信。
adespoticemperor 作文推薦:

- ·adespoticemperor500字
- ·the importance o300字
- ·givememotheracon400字
- ·emploidutemps.500字
- ·the problem of t200字
- ·how important ex100字
- ·the importance o100字
- ·faceupemotions900字
- ·the importance o600字
- ·everything about250字
- ·the most importa100字
- ·my most importan150字
- ·三年級英語作文:sport co100字
- ·mother`sdaypoems300字
- ·tooth to remembe350字
- ·icanrememberfrom2400字
- ·the deepest impr200字
- ·rememberthetraff100字
- ·ilovemybrother1400字
- ·初三英語作文:yesterday300字
- ·challengeandresp200字
- ·what will happen300字
- ·certain types of500字
- ·wewillrememberfo1000字
- ·themanirespectmo100字
- ·whymustwesaveeve300字
- ·themostimportan534字
- ·跟着書的tempo600字
- ·if i have superp600字
- ·初三英語作文:theimport100字
- ·淚水800字
- ·幸福900字
- ·冬天的故事500字
- ·汶川.中國800字
- ·煙花好危險300字
- ·孤獨記350字
- ·我的家鄉400字
- ·爺爺的味道900字
- ·左半邊翅膀400字
- ·殷切希望400字
- ·爸爸的頭髮600字
- ·論考試600字
- ·賞味期限528字
- ·何為幸福573字
- ·雨之淚900字
- ·筆袋的自述作文 雲霧作文
- ·佔據作文 我的小學老師作文
- ·爸爸給我的愛作文 最美麗作文
- ·音樂噴泉作文 重遊作文
- ·珍貴的照片作文 精彩的足球賽作文
- ·讀《悲慘世界》有感作文
- ·捶背作文
- ·真正作文
- ·熊貓參加運動會作文
- ·家鄉的大山作文
- ·凡卡續寫作文
- ·雲南作文400字 準備作文200字
- ·水晶球作文400字 雨天真好作文500字
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- ·被遺忘作文100字 最感激的人作文
- ·學滑旱冰作文 桃花節作文
- ·奇思妙想作文400字