分類:初三作文 字數:300字 編輯:小景
apoliceman 標籤:remember作文 introduce作文 succe作文 color作文
This afternoon Daddy and I went for a walk. On the way we saw a lot of people. We went up and had a look. Oh, dear! What did we see? There was a donkey in the middle of the road. It didn”t want to move. The ears and buses could not get past. Then a policeman came. "whose donkey is this?" he asked. "It”s mine," said a farmer. "but I can” t move it." Both the policeman and the farmer did their best to move the donkey, but it would not move. We watched and laughed. But the drivers of the cars and buses were worried. "We can”t move the donkey," the policeman and the farmer said. "What shall we do?" "Give him a carrot!" said my father. "That”s a good idea!" said the farmer. "I forgot that." Soon someone gave him a carrot and he showed it to the donkey. What do you think? When the donkey saw the carrot, he jumped up and walked after the farmer. All the ears and buses could get past at last.
apoliceman 作文推薦:

- ·apoliceman300字
- ·adespoticemperor500字
- ·givememotheracon400字
- ·commentary:popol1300字
- ·makeacupofchocol200字
- ·collectandrememb600字
- ·今(jīn)天(tiān)是(s469字
- ·捉迷(mí)藏(cáng)349字
- ·海洋ɡuǎn500字
- ·powerpoint我製作,我快200字
- ·【紙巾筆團】poem.1600字
- ·【紙巾筆團】poem.2fant400字
- ·poemsforyou1100字
- ·mother`sdaypoems300字
- ·anenglishpoem100字
- ·themostimportan534字
- ·跟着書的tempo600字
- ·thepopulationpro200字
- ·leavepoem200字
- ·alittlepoem100字
- ·apoem。400字
- ·opportunityandsu300字
- ·初三英語作文:theimport100字
- ·the importance o100字
- ·the importance o500字
- ·acceptappointmen100字
- ·a kampong scene200字
- ·challengeandresp200字
- ·theimportanceofp100字
- ·the importance o300字
- ·無題700字
- ·冬天的色彩400字
- ·園中花景500字
- ·粉紅色星星(三)400字
- ·苦與甘的輪迴600字
- ·淡恬400字
- ·湖450字
- ·我的同桌1000字
- ·記荔浦的豐魚岩300字
- ·那份友情500字
- ·無題50字
- ·zecchino (1)400字
- ·冬天300字
- ·習慣,使我優秀500字
- ·開學感受350字
- ·雪豹作文 殤淚作文
- ·知己作文 五年級作文
- ·劉翔作文 春天真美作文
- ·咱們班作文 昭君出塞作文
- ·布谷鳥作文 一件讓我難忘的事作文
- ·今天我當小交警作文
- ·抄作業作文
- ·春天的腳步作文600字
- ·蠟筆小新作文
- ·一雙溫暖的手作文
- ·未來的電腦作文
- ·為了作文500字 有一種聲音作文
- ·公園一角作文500字 一場精彩的籃球賽作文
- ·故事會作文 彩色作文700字
- ·科學作文200字 我家鄉作文700字
- ·消失作文300字 娃娃作文800字
- ·三角梅作文300字