分類:初一作文 字數:450字 編輯:pp958
捉魚(catching fish)
when i was 7 years old, my mother took me to shenzhen in spring festive. there was a beautiful garden near where we lived. in the garden, there were full of green trees, flowers, soften grass, and a little pond with pretty fishes in it. i had a good time in the garden.
one day, i had a good idea i wanted to catch a fish and bring it to hang zhou. i took a cup and went to the garden and run quickly to the pond. i saw a lot of fishes running freely in the water. i chose a suitable site in shore of the pond, and then bent myself to use the cup to catch fish. i couldn”t catch any fish, though i tried many times. after that, i began to lose my patience and i waited till fishes swam and gathered together in somewhere near the shore. i thought it was a good opportunity so that i”m made sure i could catch one of them. i held the cup out in the water quickly, but i found no fish in the cup and suddenly lost my balance. i fell into the pond and was wet through. fortunately the poll was very shallow, so i hadn”t injured myself just been frightened a little. eventually i couldn”t catch any fish in the pond, but this interesting and memory i had kept all the time never left in my memory.
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