分類:初一作文 字數:200字 編輯:得得9
whereiwanttobe 標籤:iwanttobe作文 wantto作文 parents作文 myparents作文
I can not stand this hell i feel it”s come to stay, and so real unless i set myself free just jump, and i”m where i want to be it”s so easy to leave all this pain behind then i”ve found what i want to find nothing more, nothing less only a wish to leave this mess i”ll never regret but please don”t you forget never forget, only forgive remember me this life wasnt meant for me to live just don”t hate me for what i have done remember what you meant to me even if i”m gone i just had nothing left to give end is close,i”m begging you...to forgive only this end can set me free and take me where i want to be
whereiwanttobe 作文推薦:
whereiwanttobe 暫無評論相關作文
- ·whereiwanttobe200字
- ·whether grandpar200字
- ·different people250字
- ·iwanttobethevolu700字
- ·wherethereis(有志者200字
- ·wherehavetheflow900字
- ·what will happen300字
- ·iwanttobeateache100字
- ·whatwouldyouwant500字
- ·young student sh350字
- ·whenthetearsaref400字
- ·the internet cut200字
- ·whereareyou,mype300字
- ·why there are tr600字
- ·whereareyougoing300字
- ·how should paren250字
- ·where did the bi500字
- ·iwanttobeaenglis100字
- ·whattheolympicsm800字
- ·what i want 200字
- ·themotherlandabe1000字
- ·pourintherealtas500字
- ·mydifferenthobbi100字
- ·what`sthematterw100字
- ·stay here foreve450字
- ·tobeornottobe——一900字
- ·tobeornottobe(三)1454字
- ·tobeornottobe100字
- ·tobeornottobe(四)1900字
- ·iwanttolearntheg500字
- ·iwanttolearntheg500字
- ·iwanttobe200字
- ·快樂的大課間500字
- ·小河的呼喚500字
- ·致我最親愛的人100字
- ·致我最親愛的妹妹350字
- ·我最親愛的800字
- ·爺爺的生日party900字
- ·生日party600字
- ·凌晨3點特輯(3)——凌晨3點對700字
- ·凌晨3點特輯(2)——凌晨3點個800字
- ·別離的傷痛——致凌晨3點400字
- ·因為你是我最好的朋友1100字
- ·一次經歷250字
- ·我的一次經歷700字
- ·世界盃作文 我的文具袋作文
- ·摺疊作文 難忘的辯論作文
- ·寶貝作文 無法釋懷作文
- ·讀金色的魚鉤有感作文 微笑天使作文
- ·童年幻想作文 尋找冬天作文
- ·春花秋月作文
- ·二黃毛的故事作文
- ·抱歉作文
- ·難忘的瞬間作文500字
- ·自己的理想作文
- ·球迷爸爸作文
- ·晚上作文700字 我愛你作文400字
- ·跳蚤市場作文600字 付出作文400字
- ·學會寬容作文600字 我的母校作文400字
- ·迷人的作文500字 冬雪作文1000字
- ·一把傘作文500字 讀懂了母親作文
- ·最美的風景作文600字