a activity_250字
分類:初一作文 字數:250字 編輯:pp958
There had a activity of society which was held by my class last weekend.We divided into three groups.
The first group in the east of school,which started on satuaday morning.Ten students in this group,who very like to help our class.They get along well with each other.Their task of activity is that helped policemen for traffic.
The second group which is in the WangJiang street.They strated on satuaday afternoon.Thejr has a veruy good task that is join in society serve.They will do many good things for people.
The thirdly group which is strated in ZhongXin market,amd it happened in all satuaday.Thw task of them is very big,but they can improve their ability that can get along well with each other.They should hold a exihibitionof photos about enviromment.
a activity 作文推薦:

- ·the importance o300字
- ·respect teachers500字
- ·初二英語作文:anactivit200字
- ·初一英語作文:punctuali100字
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- ·a activity250字
- ·an activity200字
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- ·typhoonsafety100字
- ·typhoonsafety100字
- ·湖南衛士pkcctv500字
- ·cctv-我的夢想600字
- ·新聞稿--第九屆cctv少兒藝術200字
- ·【拽公主action】no.10600字
- ·【拽公主action】no.11400字
- ·【拽公主action】no.12100字
- ·【拽公主action】no.13100字
- ·【拽公主action】no.14100字
- ·【拽公主action】no.15100字
- ·【拽公主action】no.16100字
- ·【拽公主action】no.17100字
- ·【拽公主action】no.18100字
- ·【拽公主action】no.19100字
- ·【拽公主action】no.2700字
- ·【拽公主action】no.20600字
- ·【拽公主action】no.21700字
- ·【拽公主action】no.22700字
- ·【拽公主action】no.24100字
- ·【拽公主action】no.27600字
- ·【拽公主action】no.3600字
- ·簡單的快樂700字
- ·讀《騷擾電話》有感500字
- ·幻魔(3)200字
- ·友誼250字
- ·搗蛋童年300字
- ·家長會500字
- ·[自然--初一]秋803字
- ·親情200字
- ·追夢100字
- ·提茅芽250字
- ·奮鬥1200字
- ·讀《動物檔案》有感700字
- ·與風為伴500字
- ·歷史700字
- ·變150字
- ·偷喝作文 懷有一顆感恩的心作文
- ·暑假之旅作文 昔日作文
- ·一篇文章作文 香如故作文
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- ·成長中的煩惱作文 點亮心靈的燈作文
- ·打傘作文
- ·可否作文
- ·我很快樂作文400字
- ·植樹節作文500字
- ·可愛的布娃娃作文
- ·掃墓作文400字
- ·虛心作文400字 最好的朋友作文500字
- ·父愛作文1000字 世紀作文700字
- ·突然想起作文 我名字的來歷作文
- ·這一天作文450字 一件傷心的事作文500字
- ·情是什麼作文700字 第一課作文800字
- ·小房間作文