can i_350字
分類:高二作文 字數:350字 編輯:得得9
Don't fall in love or drink well.
In wine, you either die or live. But in love, you can neither die nor live well. I know that you are tired recently. You are the invisible, physical, spiritual, interpersonal relationship facing the future.
That kind of powerlessness, effort and progress is not to show others that you are not disappointed. In this life, it seems that everyone can only shallowly like shallow to quarrel and give up shallow to silent and dislike shallow to not be together. I used indifference to frighten away all my friends who like me. You used two or three expression packs to send me to like you. I used to belittle this favorite way to save my last self.
Zun especially likes to see those old couples with gray hair, grandpa gently leading her around and gently coaxing her to walk slowly with full love and gentleness, which is the love and life I yearn for. I gradually no longer believe in any kind of old couple, nor look forward to the fairy tale of Prince and Princess life for a long time.
Let's see if one day you meet someone who's nice to you and willing to listen to your nagging, think about it.
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