分類:高三作文 字數:200字 編輯:得得9
tourism 標籤:favourite作文 ourschool作文 smile作文 thisisme作文
Recently, more and more people are glad to study Chinese ancient civilization, visiting famous old historic site is a part of the learning for many people think.
Tourism brings about not only happiness but also knowledge. There are three reasons for this phenomenon. At the time of satisfing people“s need of eat, both urban and rural have extra money to travel and enjoy their life. In addition, people who under huge pressure will relax theirselves by tourism. Finally, meeting new friends is an important purpose to improve the entertainment of visiting.
Although tourism urges the development of economic, several negative problems follow with, such as rubblish、destruction of environment and so on. Only when we do it from ourselves can solve the problem.
tourism 作文推薦:
- ·cultural tou200字
- ·my favourite col450字
- ·myfavouritecolou100字
- ·mygoodfriendando100字
- ·the importance o100字
- ·ournewneighbour100字
- ·smiletoyour200字
- ·gui lin tourism50字
- ·tourism200字
- ·our life in the 500字
- ·nowit`syourturnt100字
- ·our future city200字
- ·what will our fu250字
- ·smile a smile200字
- ·don”tcountyourch300字
- ·初中英語作文:our house350字
- ·fourseasonsinyan200字
- ·write a letter h300字
- ·are you sure you200字
- ·ourlovearewithyo800字
- ·ourhouse200字
- ·our house cat250字
- ·thecolourofcloud200字
- ·cryonyourshoulde700字
- ·how did you spen300字
- ·aboutourtown100字
- ·how do you get a100字
- ·what should we d250字
- ·ourwouldwillbefi500字
- ·thisisourhouse100字
- ·原子冤案800字
- ·人生感悟300字
- ·不得志450字
- ·起點1600字
- ·度500字
- ·空城,好久不見!800字
- ·論婚姻的忠貞700字
- ·一件小事450字
- ·誰的永遠誰的輪迴1700字
- ·傷心了300字
- ·萬花筒·書店300字
- ·上帝的宣告450字
- ·讓心靈變得澄澈450字
- ·蝴蝶因生命而精彩700字
- ·盼太陽450字
- ·孿生姐妹作文 花花作文
- ·古埃及作文 禮讚作文
- ·柏拉圖作文 噪音作文
- ·許願燈作文 一米陽光作文
- ·安瀾作文 打水作文
- ·冰棒作文
- ·愛讀書的人作文
- ·暑假之旅作文
- ·我長大了作文300字
- ·春遊作文
- ·彈珠作文
- ·春春作文 火車上作文500字
- ·月圓作文600字 如夢令作文50字
- ·回眸作文1000字 小兔子作文1000字
- ·傾聽大自然的聲音作文500字 貓的報恩作文
- ·三個和尚作文 馬路作文600字
- ·新衣作文