doing your best_200字
分類:高一作文 字數:200字 編輯:pp958
doing your best 標籤:favourite作文 ourschool作文 iloveyou作文 loveyou作文
Doing your Best Everyone wants to have a good future. So, they do many things to make their dreams come true. Because they know they work hard and it is not to please their teachers, parents or anyone else, but themselves. But how can we succeed? In fact, that’s very easy: we should do our best to do everything. Maybe sometimes we do our best but some people laugh at me. When we do all we can, the reward is felling that says, “We did everything we could.” There is a famous Chinese saying, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” It tells us there is no difficult thing in the world if you make up your mind to do it and do your best, you will certainly achieve your goal.Class 5, Grade 9Li Jinni
doing your best 作文推薦:
- ·do your best, yo100字
- ·how do you think500字
- ·how do you get a100字
- ·doing your best200字
- ·bestwishestoyou200字
- ·the importance o100字
- ·outsidestaryoung700字
- ·outsidestaryoung700字
- ·outsidestaryoung900字
- ·outsidestaryoung600字
- ·outsidestaryoung1300字
- ·outsidestaryoung1300字
- ·outsidestaryoung900字
- ·don”tcountyourch300字
- ·mygoodfriendando100字
- ·are you sure you200字
- ·cryonyourshoulde700字
- ·how did you spen300字
- ·shouldeveryonekn100字
- ·nowit`syourturnt100字
- ·初二英語作文:doourbest200字
- ·what should we d250字
- ·“thestoryofstuff800字
- ·the best places 150字
- ·honestyisthebest100字
- ·traditional chin250字
- ·young student sh350字
- ·saving our rainf450字
- ·chinesespringfes700字
- ·cutelittledoudou600字
- ·落落無塵500字
- ·讀書500字
- ·果果島700字
- ·荒島餘生700字
- ·何必350字
- ·親親我的臉,讓我睜開眼1600字
- ·i`makindboy!200字
- ·月700字
- ·雨過天晴700字
- ·水800字
- ·孤單400字
- ·慾望200字
- ·宿屋的幸福250字
- ·“球聖”之聲600字
- ·殘。憶100字
- ·驚魂記作文 如果沒有遇見你作文
- ·與時俱進作文 報紙作文
- ·囑咐作文 《牧童》改寫作文
- ·信任的喜悅作文 輕鬆作文
- ·花蝴蝶和小蜜蜂作文 醉花陰作文
- ·深處作文
- ·被冤枉的滋味作文
- ·老師不在的時候作文300字
- ·堅守作文500字
- ·家鄉的柿子作文
- ·開場白作文
- ·傾心一愛作文 屈原作文500字
- ·媽媽的雙手作文 小鄰居作文
- ·做一個有道德的人作文400字 宿新市徐公店作文200字
- ·剎那間作文800字 我從作文500字
- ·念想作文 詩二首作文300字
- ·一夜作文600字