分類:六年級作文 字數:650字 編輯:小景
1. 王楠:1978年10月出生於遼寧。
2. 身高1.62米,體重54公斤。
3. 7歲開始打球,1989年進入遼寧隊,1993年入選國家隊。
4. 訓練刻苦,與隊友相處融洽。
5. 喜歡上網,交友。網址:wangnan@wang-nan.net.
6. 在國際比賽中獲得幾十枚金牌,為國家爭得了榮譽。
1. 題目自擬;
2. 不要逐條翻譯提示,可適當增加細節,使短文連貫。
3. 詞數100~140
Wang Nan-World Champion in Pingpong
Wang Nan, a world champion in pingpong, is 1.62 meter tall with the weight of 54 kilograms. She was born in Liaoning Province in October 1978. She began to play pingpong at the age of seven. She worked in Liaoning Team for three years before she came to the national team in 1993. She trained hard and got along well with her teammates. Wang Nan has won scores of gold medals in international table-tennis games and won great honour for our motherland. She likes going on the net and she enjoys chatting with friends through the Internet. You can find more information about her at wangnan @ wang-nan net.
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