分類:高二作文 字數:250字 編輯:pp958
高中英語作文:有用之人 標籤:英語作文 七仙女之人間生活作文 天生我材必有用作文 天生我才必有用作文
I was walking along the street when a stranger stopped me and asked me the way to a new restaurant. i answered and told him the route and direction carefully. as soon as i finished, the stranger thanked me and started off. to my surprise, he went in wrong direction. then i stopped him at once and told him what wrong he had made.
Unexpectedly, he smiled and told me the truth that he didn't really want to ask the way, but, instead, he was just trying to know whether everyone knew exactly where the new restaurant was, for he was the new owner of the restaurant. then i knew who he was and what he wanted to do.
高中英語作文:有用之人 作文推薦:

高中英語作文:有用之人 暫無評論
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