分類:高二作文 字數:500字 編輯:pp958
The world is full of feeling, but sometimes i don't think so.
For example, last friday, i went home by bus. after i sat down on the bus, i saw an old woman sitting beside me. her hair was already white and she looked small and thin. to my surprise, there was a big bag on her lap. the bag was full of eggs. the old woman looked after the eggs carefully. at that moment, the conductor asked her to buy the ticket. the old woman gave one yuan to the conductor. but it wasn't enough. then the conductor asked, "only one yuan? don't you know the price is going up?" hearing this, the old woman looked very worried, "sorry, i only have one yuan. i remember last time i also spent one yuan, but why this time is two yuan?" "last time belongs to last time, this time belongs to this time.
Overall, do you have money?" the conductor said angrily and the face turned red. "but i really only have one yuan. i didn't bring enough money. i hope you can believe me. oh, i have a lot of eggs. can i give an egg to you as compensatation." the old woman begged. "no way!" the conductor shouted. "i don't need your eggs. if you don't have money, you must get off the bus at once."
I was surprised to see that. i didn't think the conductor was a kind woman. i quickly gave my own one yuan to the conductor for the old woman. the old woman was grateful to me. and she wanted to give me eggs, but i refused. i thought it was our duty to help others. don't you think so?
高中英語作文:在公車上的真實故事 作文推薦:

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