amazing experince_100字
分類:初二作文 字數:100字 編輯:小景
amazing experince 標籤:introduce作文 succe作文 penpal作文 mypenpal作文
I had an unforgetable expreince last night. I saw an UFO landed in the forest in the parl by mysself. There were many aliens in the UFO. They could speak English. They said they came form moon. Their UFO was damged because of a crash. They had no choice buttoland on the earth. Suddenly, I saw strong light though the forest. I thought they were army and they wanted to catch them. In order not to be caught, I told them to leave as soon as posssible. A monents later, the UFO was disappeared.
It's amazing to see the aliens. I think I will meet them one day.
amazing experince 作文推薦:

amazing experince 暫無評論
- ·spring150字
- ·miss ing……1400字
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- ·how did kangaroo100字
- ·聰明的englishteache900字
- ·在ailing的季節懷念aili700字
- ·bigbang700字
- ·打針ing500字
- ·clothesandfeelin500字
- ·初二英語作文:aninteres200字
- ·憂鬱?流風missinglink3100字
- ·a wonderful sing250字
- ·myenglishteacher100字
- ·songzuguo100字
- ·more english mor900字
- ·《springlilac》(四)1500字
- ·nofat,nokidding400字
- ·折翼天使angel100字
- ·範文賞析:spring 春1200字
- ·shopping200字
- ·angelandelf番外——逸600字
- ·寂寞angle100字
- ·我的好朋友(english)100字
- ·strange dreams600字
- ·aniceevening200字
- ·change100字
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- ·相約小荷(2)--xingqih200字
- ·an interesting d300字
- ·微笑似虹200字
- ·老師700字
- ·自學水彩畫1100字
- ·堅強600字
- ·失去800字
- ·微笑之聲600字
- ·小情緒450字
- ·疏離的友情400字
- ·近日隨感900字
- ·fly100字
- ·要相信付出了必將會有收穫600字
- ·無拘無束是我的名片800字
- ·come to engl100字
- ·我的男神700字
- ·逛上下九500字
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- ·幼兒作文200字 我心目中的好老師作文450字
- ·懂了作文 頑強作文
- ·盛夏作文800字 給媽媽的詩作文200字
- ·園林作文400字