首頁 > 小學作文 > 四年級作文 > childhood 200字作文 ( 手機版 )


分類:四年級作文  字數:200字  編輯:小景

Childhood is like a bright is dazzing pearls, lined up endless joy and young dream.
Childhood is like a singing bird, with infinite hope for flying high.
Childhood, do you like running water, the twinkling of an eye, roll forward.
The songs of childhood, childhood laughter, the joy of childhood, imprint on the awning of childhood. is like a bright is dazzing pearls, lined up endless joy and young dream.
Childhood is like a singing bird, with infinite hope for flying high.
Childhood, do you like running water, the twinkling of an eye, roll forward.
The songs of childhood, childhood laughter, the joy of childhood, imprint on the awning of childhood.

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