手機:M版 分類:合同範本 編輯:pp958
Joint Venture Agreement
This Agreement made this____ day of____ , 19 by ABC Corporation (hereinafter called “Party A”), a Chinese corporation having its registered office at____, China, and XYZ Company (hereinafter called “Party B”), an American company having its registered office at_____, USA.
WHEREAS Party A is engaged in manufacturing and selling in China; and
WHEREAS Party B is engaged in manufacturing and selling (hereinafter called “Licensed Product”) and has American patent rights to Licensed Product (hereinafter called “Patents”)and registered Trademark No.____(hereinafter called “Trademark”); and
WHEREAS the Parties consider it mutually advantageous to organize a jointly owned corporation (hereinafter called “Joint Venture”) under the laws of the People”s Republic of China to engage in the manufacture, sale and development of Licensed Product in______.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and convenance described hereinafter Party A and Party B agree as follows:
第一條 定義
Article 1 Definitions
In this Agreement, the following terms have the following meanings unless the context clearly dictates otherwise.
1.“Joint Venture” means the corporation to be organized pursuant to the provisions of Article 2 hereto.
2.“Licensed Product” means_____.
3.“Patents” means______.
4.“Trademark” means______.
第二條 建立合營企業
Article 2 Formation of Joint Venture
1. Party A and Party B shall spare no efforts for the organization of Joint Venture under the laws of the People”s Republic ofChina.
2. The name of Joint Venture is______with its legal address:_______.
3. All activities of Joint Venture shall comply with the provisions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People”s Republic of China.
4. Joint Venture shall take the form of a limited liability company. The profits, risks and losses of Joint Venture shall be shared by both Party A and Party B in proportion to the contributions to the registered capital.
5. The expenses of organizing Joint Venture shall be equally borne by Party A and Party B.
第三條 生產經營的目的、範圍和規模
Article 3 Purpose, Scope and Size of Business
1、 甲、乙雙方合資經營的目的是:本着加強經濟合作和擴大技術交流的願望,採用先進而適用的技術和科學的經營管理方法,提高產品質量,開發新產品,並在質量、價格等方面具有國際市場上的競爭能力,提高經濟效益,使投資各方獲得滿意的經濟利益。
2、 合營企業生產XXXX(許可產品),生產能力為每年XXXX。合營企業將努力改進許可產品,改善管理,以適應國際競爭。
3、 合營企業儘可能開發許可產品的新品種,以滿足國內外市場的發展需要。
1. In line with the spirit of strengthening economic cooperation and expanding technical exchange, Joint Venture is to use state-of-the-art and appropriate technology and equipment, with efficient management systems, to produce Licensed Product which shall be of top quality and competitive in the world markets, so as to achieve satisfactory economic returns.
2. Joint Venture is to product_____(Licensed Product) with a production capacity of_____per year. Joint Venture shall do its best to improve Licensed Product and management so as to be able to meet competition worldwide.
3. Joint Venture shall, if possible, develop new varieties of Licensed Product in order to keep up with market developments both in the host country and in the world.
第四條 資本結構
Article 4 Capital Structure
1、 合營企業的註冊資本為XXXX,其中甲、乙雙方各出資XX,即各佔50%。
2、 甲方出資
(1)廠房:X X X X;
(2)國產設備:X X X X;
(3)現金:X X X X;
(4)合資企業廠地:X X X X;
3、 乙方出資
(1)現金:X X X X ;
(2)先進設備:X X X X;
(3)工業產權:X X X X。
4、 合營企業各方必須在19XX年X月X日前交付其出資。遲交必須交納利息或賠償因此而造成的損失。
5、 甲乙雙方中任何一方轉讓其出資額,須經另一方同意和其政府批准,該方享有優先購買權。
1. The registered capital of Joint Venture shall be (amount of capital), of which half (50%) will be contributed by each Party.
2. Party A”s contributions include
(1) Buildings and premises:______(value);
合資經營企業協議 範文推薦:

- ·中外合資經營企業合同(飯店類)
- ·設立中外合資經營企業合同(金融3)
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- ·設立中外合資經營企業合同(金融1)
- ·設立中外合資經營企業合同(計算機3)
- ·中外合資經營企業合同(鑽頭生產)
- ·設立中外合資經營企業合同(金融2)
- ·設立中外合資經營企業合同(醫藥)
- ·中外合資經營企業合同(製造廠)
- ·中外合資經營企業合同(d)
- ·設立中外合資經營企業合同(技術服務)
- ·設立中外合資經營企業合同(金融4)
- ·設立中外合資經營企業合同(飯店類)
- ·中外合資經營企業合同(b)
- ·設立中外合資經營企業合同(計算機1)
- ·外合資經營企業合同(工程承包、諮詢)
- ·中外合資經營企業合同(工程承包、諮詢
- ·中外合資經營企業合同(鍋爐生產)
- ·中外合資經營企業合同(c)
- ·計算機技術及服務合資經營合同
- ·全縣個體勞動者私營企業協會代表大會講
- ·中外合作經營企業合同(2)
- ·中外合作經營企業合同範本
- ·中外合作經營企業合同(1)
- ·中外合作經營企業合同
- ·中外合作經營企業合同(農副產品)
- ·藥品經營企業誠信體系建設工作會議主持
- ·合夥企業協議書
- ·合資成立有限公司協議書