手機:M版 分類:自薦信 編輯:小景
Dear Sir
Hello! Read the newspaper today and was informed that the contents of your company to seek the editors. I am confident candidates in line with the requirements of applicants to write this letter, edit the post.
I graduated from the Renmin University literature department, with experience in editing and proofreading are familiar with, adapt, publish, as well as such related work. Of the curriculum vitae is as follows:
In sales volume of 30,000 copies of the "Weekly" as the editorial director of two years. And has directly participated in the work of newspaper publishing.
In 1998, "Health Guide" as the editorial work. Main tasks: responsible for proof-reading, rewriting, and writing full-length project. 5 years of grinding Patrick, so I am familiar with the media”s actions, through a visit with the celebrities, I have strong communication skills.
I am familiar with all of the routine office work, is currently employed by a magazine ad, but this work is temporary work, it is hoped to seek a more stable work.
With the letter with my resume. If the opportunity to interview with you, I would be very grateful.

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