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分類:初二作文  字數:400字  編輯:小景

Good morning,every body!My name`s Michelle.I`m countastant eight.Today,I want to hold a speech for you.This is the last speech of this term.The title of my speech is In ten years. 

  In the first two years,I am a junior high school student.In both years,I learn every subject well.I must improve the sub-subjects.Every day,I lose no time to learn. 

  The third year,finally through my own afforts.I`m admitted to No.2 Middle School.Arrive there,I feel very strange.I meet many new students and I makr many new friends.Then,I learn into night every day.Every day,I also remember a lot of notes and do much much papers and so on.I`m very tired,close to collapese.Finally,I have survied these three years.Then,I have exclellent results.So I go into a well-known university.I am at university,I have greattly reduced the pressure.Soon,I joined the English clubof our school.There,I learn many useful things.Unconscious,I have spent four years of university life. 

  After university,I have to leave my friends to start looking for a job.Soon,I am hired by a well-konwn company.I`m hard working erevy day. 

  This is my 10-years life.Aithough sometimes I`m very tired,but after tiring work,I get sweetnessof life. 

  This is the end of my speech.Thank you for your listening.Any question?

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