分類:初二作文 字數:491字 編輯:pp958
I’m a middle school student, my name is Wang Gang, on April 30, our classmates labored to the orchard. We set out at six o’clock in the morning, after half an hour, we arrived the destination. The principal of the orchard is my uncle, he guide us visited the orchard. We mentioned to take part in the labor, my uncle asked us to help him to picked off the apples, it was not long before my partner and I got full of two basket of apples, the other students were working hard too, though we were a bit of tired, everybody were very happy. On May 5, I wrote to my pen pal a letter, and told her about this labor. I think she must be happy for me. 我是瑤瑤的媽媽,這是瑤瑤的老師布置的一篇翻譯文,要求字數是八十左右,她讓我幫她發上來,她希望你們都不要忘記她,因為她現在學習很忙,不能再上網了,所以請各位朋友原諒。她讓我代她向朋友們問好,祝你們天天開心!以後她的作文都由我幫她打出來,希望大家喜歡!
onelobor(翻譯文) 作文推薦:

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